Stay on the path

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Elizabeth gulped as she stared at the creepy house. This couldn't be it! Such a creepy house...

That's it! She had gone on a long journey to get here, she couldn't just back out now! She marched toward the house in confidence. Her once confident smile faded once it started to rain. She had left her umbrella.

Now, she had to get in that house. She ran for the house covering as much head as she could, the doors opened and she swooped in without a second thought. She is now trapped in a random house.

                                                                       --Elizabeth's POV--    

My eyes were glued to the creepy house. I stared at it. This is not real, it can't be! But y'know what, I tried so hard just to get here, I'm not backing out now! I marched toward the house, and before I knew it, it was raining. Out of instinct, I darted toward the house, the doors open, then closed as I got in. That... was normal, right?
                                                                 --End of Elizabeth's POV--

"EEEK!" She screeched. It echoed through the house. It had looked smaller on the outside... and filthier! She took her bag and her hand touched something heavy, and brand new. She hesitantly took it out of the bag. The thing she had just touched was the book. She opened the book and found a leaf in one of the pages---That's right! She had put that in as a bookmark She eagerly opened the page and once she looked at the chapter- Oh, what am I saying... There was none! In fact there was no chapters in the whole book! Her eyes felt heavy, and shocked by what she had just seen, her eyes closed, and once again, fainted.

A/N: Soooo... How'd you like the chapter? This chapter has actually been edited, so for those of you who have already read this, I apologize for it being a very boring book back then, I had never been a great writer, But I am trying, and I hope you guys who have already read this like The new version. I hope you like the story so far, And I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter, see you in the next, Peace!

P.S.  Please check out Angelic_Heart_Beat, one of my friends! She is currently working on a AngelDust x reader, So you guys can go ahead and check that out!

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