Watch out!

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Elizabeth woke up in a strange place. It was strange, yet it was addicting. As she woke up, she noticed the boy. Startled, she scrambled as far away as possible. He stared at her anxiously. "H-hello miss... my name is Vishnal... A-at your service." he said, stuttering. She was calming down a little. "I'm E-Elizabeth..." she stuttered back. Vishnal stood up and helped her up as well. she brushed her clothes and crawled out of the small tent they were in. she looked at the forest with a gasp escaping her mouth. It was absolutely beautiful!

She got to know another girl. she looked similar to Vishnal except the had purple hair and she was a girl. She also looked a little sleepier. As the two were talking, she realized, she wasn't supposed to be here right now. She quickly ended the conversation. She asked for her bag from Vishnal, and he tossed it to her. As she ran, she took her umbrella. a gust of wind came and carried her to the next platform. " I'm flying! I'm flying" she thought. she shifted her weight to fall to the next platform. she kept repeating this process until she could see a house in the distance. she was sure that was Amelia's house. She was going to finally meet her friend!

A/N: So, here's another pic. The purple girl looks is this! (her name is Clorica)

 The purple girl looks is this! (her name is Clorica)

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