Chapter 12: The Hunt Begins

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Once Ichiya returned, the team gathered around to listen to what the plan was. Ichiya stepped forward and explained what they were up against. Using Hibiki's, one of the Trimens, Archive magic, he gave information on the Oracion Seis. The leader is Brain, not much is known about him. He leads Midnight, who is a mage that no one knows about; Racer, said to have used speed magic; Cobra, a mage that uses poisonous snakes; Angel, a mage that can "capture your heart;" and finally, Hoteye, said to kill anyone for the right amount of money. 

Ichiya: "These fellows are extremely dangerous. They're rumored to be able to take on smaller guilds with only one of their members."

Lucy: "Eh!? Isn't that too powerful."

Natsu: "Don't worry, Lucy, we could do that too."

Lucy: "No we can't! At least I can't!"

Ryuga: "Let's get back on track." He looked at Ichiya. "Tell us about their objective."

Ichiya: "Well, their objective is to use Nirvana, an incredibly powerful destructive magic, for some purpose. That purpose is not clear, but we definitely can't let them get to Nirvana. It is in the Worth Woodlands, north of here. We should leave as soon as possible."

Ryuga: "All right, everyone listen to me." Everyone turned to him. "The foes we are going up against are incredibly dangerous by themselves. If, by any chance, they get a hold of Nirvana... Well, I'm sure whoever stands in their way will no longer be a problem. With it being such a high priority to stop them, the council has even allowed murder. If the council is okay with it, then I'm definitely okay with it. If you feel your life being threatened, do not hesitate to use whatever means necessary to kill your enemy. Understood?"

All: "Yes!"

Ryuga: "Good, now let's head out."

Natsu burst open the doors and ran out first.

Natsu: "I'll beat them all uuuuppp!!" His voice got quieter as he ran away at full speed.

Everyone followed, except for Jura and Ichiya, who stayed behind. Once everyone was out of site, Ichiya grabbed Jura's wrist.

Ichiya: "Jura?"

Jura: "What is it, Sir Ichiya?"

Ichiya: "You're one of the Ten Wizard Saints now, right?"

Jura: "Yes, I happen to be."

Ichiya: "In that case... Would you say your level is on par with, say, Makarov, the master of Fairy Tail?"

Jura: "Haha. The Ten Wizard Saints is just a title. I'm not even close to the power of Makarov."

Ichiya: "Oh, that's good."

He quickly pulled out two bottles of perfume. One which drained Jura of his energy, and another which caused pain to resonate through Jura's body. Jura cried out in pain. Ichiya chuckled evilly, before splitting into two mysterious entities. These entities were Gemini, one of the celestial keys. Angel walked up behind Jura, chuckling to herself.

Angel: "Now I know your entire plan, and your team blindly listened to it. Looks like you're really not as strong or smart as Makarov."

???: "No, but I am."

Angel looked back, into the forest, but saw no one. 

Angel: "Who was that! Who just spoke!"

???: "Until we meet again."

She quickly turned around to find Jura's body gone. Freaked out, she ran to catch up with the rest of her dark guild. Somewhere more north, the alliance except Ryuga, Jura, and Ichiya were running towards the Worth Woodlands. They soon stopped, however, when they saw five suspicious people heading towards them. Noticing who it was, Erza quickly pulled out her sword, and Natsu grew a grin on his face. Brain, the leader, spoke out to them.

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