Chapter 14: A Previous Enemy

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Wendy woke up feeling very warm and comfortable. Once she opened her eyes, she found Carla staring at her. Behind Carla's head, she could see the outline of another person.

Ryuga: "Oh, you're awake?"

Wendy: "Eh?!"

She sat up quickly and grabbed her head. She was still a little dizzy from the fight. She looked behind her to find Ryuga sitting down, curiously looking at her. Wendy then noticed that she was just laying on Ryuga's lap, and she blushed.

Wendy: "Ah, leader! I'm sorry! I must have passed out." 

Ryuga stood up and helped Wendy get up also. Once they were both on their feet, he spoke:

Ryuga: "Don't worry about it, it wasn't for long. However, I think it's time we get going again. Hibiki, you all right?"

Hibiki was just now waking up from his unconsciousness due to Wendy.

Hibiki: "Yeah, I think so. What happened?"

Ryuga: "We fought that Cobra guy. You don't remember?"

Hibiki: "Not really."

Ryuga: "Well, anyway, let's get go-."

He was interrupted by a bright light with evil aura sprouting off of it coming from deeper within the forest. 

Hibiki: "That's Nirvana! Oh no! I think they're releasing it."

Ryuga: "Uh... that's not so good then."

Hibiki: "No it's not! We got to get there quickly."

Ryuga: "Okay, hold on to me. Wendy, grab Carla."

They did as they were told, even though they were confused.

Hibiki: "What's going o-" Ryuga teleported towards the light. "HUUAAHHH."

Hibiki tried to keep his lunch together, which he somehow managed to do. Wendy seemed fine, however, and Carla wasn't doing much better than Hibiki.

When they looked around, they noticed that they were near a river. They looked to their left to find Natsu sick on a raft and... Lucy flashing her breasts. Carla covered Wendy's eyes as Hibiki and Ryuga did the opposite.

Ryuga: "Woah, Lucy, I didn't know you were a- Wait a minute."

He looked to his right to find another Lucy yelling at the Flasher Lucy.

Lucy: "Put those away! There are people here!"

???: "Fufufu, what's wrong? If you've got them, flaunt them."

Angel walked out of the forest looking smug, but then her face dropped to anger once she saw Ryuga.

Angel: "You!"

She summoned a silver key, Caelum, and fired a green, laser-like blast at Ryuga. It connected with his face, leaving only a small, smoking mark on his forehead.

Ryuga: "Did... You just shoot me?" He looked completely unfazed.

Angel, now seeing that her attack had no effect, starting running in the opposite direction. Ryuga told Lucy to go chase her, as he teleported again towards the light. Once they got closer to the light, Ryuga asked Hibiki about it.

Ryuga: "Hibiki, do you know anything else about Nirvana?"

Hibiki: "Not much, but I do know that it, apparently, turns dark feelings into even darker feelings."

Ryuga: "You mean... It enhances grudges?"

Hibiki: "That's one way to put it. In other words, if someone steals your favorite pair of shoes..."

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