Chapter 15: Fairy Tail's Strongest Human

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As the bells started ringing and the city started shifting, the Fairy Tail members started cheering and partying. However, new members like Lucy and Wendy didn't know who Gildarts was. Makarov and Ryuga also walked up to the new members' discussion as Mirajane was explaining who Gildarts was.

Mirajane: "Apart from Ryuga, Gildarts is Fairy Tail's strongest wizard."

Lucy: "Eh!? Wait, even stronger than Erza?" She looked utterly shocked.

Erza: "I'm not even in his league yet."

Lucy: "I'm afraid this guy's gonna be real scary then."

Ryuga: "Not really, Gildarts is about as calm and laid back as they get." Lucy jumped.

Lucy: "Ah, Ryuga, Master, when did you get here?"

Ryuga: "Hmm, I think I can speak for both of us when I say that we just wanted to hear the voices of beauties such as yourselves." Makarov Chuckled.

Makarov: "Well I suppose he's not wrong, hahaha!"

Wendy: "E-Even me?" Ryuga got to one knee and pat her head.

Ryuga: "Wendy, you're the most adorable human I've ever met in all my years of living. If I could wrap you up and put you as a decoration in my castle, I would."

After he said that, an arm was slung around his shoulders.

Lillian: "I don't think that'd be too bad, Wendy. If you ask nicely, maybe he'll really do it." Wendy blushed cutely.

Wendy: "I don't know about that..."

Lucy: "Anyway, what's with the celebration?"

Mirajane: "It's only natural; it's been about three years since he's been here last."

Lucy: "Three years? What has he been doing?"

Mirajane: "He went on a hundred-year quest. It's a quest that hasn't been completed for one hundred years."

Erza: "I still think Ryuga should try it, but he won't."

Ryuga: "I probably won't. I wouldn't be able to stand to be away from Fairy Tail for a hundred years."

Mirajane: "Well, personally, I'm glad he hasn't gone on one."

She looked at him with her bright, smiling face.

Carla: "Glossing over that, isn't this a bit much for one mage? Even the city is changing."

Erza: "That's because Gildarts uses Crash Magic. If he isn't paying attention, he'll just walk through people's houses."

Lucy: "That sounds way too dangerous!"

Not long after she said that the guild doors opened and in walked Fairy Tail's Strongest Human... Gildarts.

For being the second strongest wizard in Fairy Tail, he was dressed pretty casually. He had a long cloak on, with straps holding up his back luggage. His pants were as normal as normal could be, and his shoes weren't any less. He stopped at the entrance then sighed after looking around. He started walking towards the middle of the guild, looking confused.

Mirajane: "Welcome Back!"

Gildarts: "Hmm? Miss, I was pretty sure there was a guild named Fairy Tail around here." Mirajane just kept smiling.

Mirajane: "This is it. Oh, and I'm Mirajane." Now Gildarts looked really confused.

Gildarts: "Mira???" Ryuga walked up to him.

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