Chapter 13: The Rise of the Sky Dragon

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After they started off, everything had been quiet. They could hear the occasional Natsu shouting, but no enemies were seen so far. Wendy was happy about this, but Ryuga was suspicious. Too much silence is never good. 

Sure enough, he was right. Ryuga saw something shine and fly towards them. Wendy's face went from happy to terrified in a split second, when she saw a spear coming towards her face. Ryuga grabbed it before it pierced her skull. Hibiki was put on guard, and Wendy was left staring at the spear that almost killed her. Ryuga tightened his hand and crushed the handle of the spear. Wendy watched the spearhead fall to the ground. 

Ryuga: "Come out, unless you want me to burn this entire forest down."

Groups of magicians came out from behind trees, within trees, and some out of holes in the ground. They all looked like C-Rank magicians at best, but there was an overwhelming number of them.

Ryuga: "So, who are you all?"

???: "We are the dark guild, Naked Mummy. I am Marcus Shienfled."

A man wearing dark red clothing and pitch-black hair walked out from amongst them. He looked to be about A-Rank, and the leader of the now named Naked Mummy.

Ryuga: "Haha, ridiculous."

Marcus: "You dare call me ridiculous?" 

He let out a bit of his aura, causing the trees to sway and Wendy to make a cute "eek" sound.

Ryuga: "Not necessarily, just your guild name. I mean, seriously, Naked Mummy? A mummy without being wrapped in cloths isn't really a mummy at all... What I'm trying to say is, you're all pushovers."

The dark guild members got scowls on their faces, and they started drawing out their weapons. Some started chanting magic circles, but Ryuga just stood still with a mocking look on his face.

Ryuga: "What? That get you mad? Well then, let's see if you can do something about it hmm?"

He lifted his hand to them and raised his finger. His index finger pointed towards them, and they started laughing. Soon, they're laughing turned into screaming, as walls of flames encircled them and started burning them alive. They launched all they could at Ryuga, but he raised his other hand. All of the weapons, spells, etc that were heading towards the group of three disappeared. Marcus screamed through the flames.

Marcus: "H-How!?"

Ryuga: "Simple. You are not powerful enough to touch me."

Marcus and the rest of Naked Mummy could do nothing but beg as the fire ate them alive. Once it was finished, Ryuga looked behind him, to Wendy and Hibiki, who were speechless.

Ryuga: "Cat got your tongue? Let's go."

He grabbed Wendy's shoulder and gently guided her forwards. She stumbled a little bit and covered her nose as she walked past burning trees, plants, and bodies. 

Wendy: "Y-You killed them?"

Ryuga: "Did they not try to kill us? I only did what I thought was necessary. If I didn't stop them, would you have killed them? Would Hibiki?" 

He glanced back to Hibiki, who shook his head. Wendy wiped some tears out of her eyes and looked up at Ryuga's cold but kind gaze.

Wendy: "So, you did it to?"

Ryuga: "Protect you. I won't let you go into a fight you have no chance of winning."

Wendy: "Thanks."

She sniffed a little bit before wiping the rest of her tears out of her eyes. She started walking again, and Ryuga closely followed, with Hibiki in tow.

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