Episode 2: The Endless Rain Of Irui Kietus-C

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[The Doctor is standing by the console, Liam is sitting on the seat. Liam is wearing summer clothing, The Doctor is wearing his usual outfit]

The Doctor: So, where to first?
Liam: You know, I've always wanted to go to Spain.
The Doctor: Spain... Any particular time?
Liam: Surprise me.
The Doctor: We really could end up anywhere.
Liam: As long as it's Spain.
The Doctor: Well... Obviously.

[The Doctor presses some buttons on the console, then pulls a lever. The Tardis starts materialising]

The Doctor: You sure you want to wear that?
Liam: Excuse me, Spain, nice and hot.
The Doctor: You look like a walking embarrassment.
Liam: [sarcastically] Oh, look at you, King of the compliments.
The Doctor: Go and change.
Liam: And if I don't want to?
The Doctor: I'll send us to the moon.
Liam: Fine.

[Liam walks up to what looks like a wall, which moves backwards, revealing a corridor. Liam walks through the corridor.]

The Doctor: Jokes on him, he'd love the moon.


[The Barcelona Bio-Dome is white, with a large glass dome above, showing the dark clouds and the droplets of rain. The rain patters on the glass dome. Crates and stuff is held in this dome. The Tardis materialises. The Doctor leaves the Tardis.]

The Doctor: Here we are, Barcelona.

[Liam leans out of the Tardis, in a different outfit]

Liam: Barcelona? In like, 3065?
The Doctor: [The Doctor licks his finger, holds it in the air and sticks it back in his mouth] Yeah, right year. Good guess.
Liam: Are you sure this is Barcelona? Thought it'd be sunnier.
The Doctor: Yeah, I'm not sure this is-

[There is a loud distant roar]

Liam: What was that?
The Doctor: I have no idea.

[The Doctor smiles and holds out his hand toward Liam, who takes it and they swiftly walk to a door labeled KJo-9X. The Doctor sonics the door, which opens.]


[They continue running down a long white hallway. They take a left, a right, a left, another left, a right and then, at a T-intersection, into 5 other people: Nina, John, Korey, Hollie and Calvin .]

Hollie: Ah, oh my god!
Nina: Who are you two?
The Doctor: I'm The Doctor and this is-
Liam: I can do my own introduction. I'm Liam.
Calvin : Good to meet you.
John: Don't encourage them, Calvin .
Korey: Are we not also going to introduce ourselves? I'm Korey. Very nice to meet new people.
Calvin : I am Calvin , as you probably heard. This is John.
Hollie: I'm Hollie.
Nina: And I'm Deputy Captain Nina McGill.
The Doctor: So, Where's the Captain?
Nina: That's why we're here. We heard a loud noise, now we're looking for it's source.
The Doctor: Another quick question, is this Earth?
Nina: What are you, stupid? Earth was abandoned years ago. This is Irui Keitus-C.
The Doctor: That's pretty far from Earth. Really far.
Nina: Alright, let's go.

[The Five people walk up the T-intersection, The Doctor and Liam follow. They get to a door, which is a white as everything else.]

Nina: Computer, open the Arizona Bio-Dome door.
Computer: Door is secured.
Nina: Open the door.
Computer: Door is secured.
Nina: Override.
Computer: Opening door.
Nina: Everyone stay here.
The Doctor: Can I come with you?
Nina: If you insist.

[The door slides open, Nina enters, The Doctor follows]


[The door closes behind The Doctor and Nina, there is a glass door. You can see a man, Captain Yuri Barlow, within the glass panel, water trickling upon him.]

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