He's a what???

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Same location

Zaria: I don't know why everyone is flipping out over some werewolves. I mean they are putting up with zombies for crying out loud.

???: Yea werewolves aren't real.

Zaria: oh I totally forgot you were there. Uh I'm Zaria.

???: I'm.......Jacob.

Zaria: Nice to meet you. BUZZ. Ugh sorry my dad wants me home. Bye uh....

"Jacob": Jacob.

Zaria: right. Bye.

"Jacob": bye.

I'm walking home and the same thing keeps coming over the intercom. Ugh humans. I arrive home and see Zoey hanging something up. I stay on the front porch leaning on the railing.

Dad: Zoey, come on home. It's not safe out here with these werewolves on the loose.

Zoey: just one sec.
Dad walks back inside. Some guy walks up to Zoey and I stand up straight watching.
Zoey: Have you seen a werewolf? I'm looking for a were-friend.

???: Silly kid, there's no such thing as werewolves.

Zoey: but we heard it howl.

???: Maybe it was a hiker saying, "howl's it going?"

Zoey: It was a werewolf. My, what big eyes you have.

Dad: Zoey, come on. You too Zaria.

I wait for Zoey to go in before me. I look back at the dude and he reminds me of someone. Oh yea that guy from the Fro-yo cart. Me and him make eye contact for a second before I turn to walk inside, but I don't because I kinda wanted to ask him if he was new here. As I look back I see him rip the photo off, then look around and walk off.

Zaria: *Whispers* hmmm. *Normal* hey dad I gotta go meet with patrol. They said they want to have daily meetings with me for at least a week. (I lied. Well partially)

Dad: What? No meet them another time. It's dangerous with these werewolves.

Zaria: *i roll my eyes* I'll be careful.
I turn and walk out the door before he can say anything else and follow Jacob. He just gives off this vibe.

Zaria: *whisper* Where are you going?
I follow him to the forbidden forest. I look around before following him again. I stay a couple feet behind him as I follow. After a little journey through the woods I watch him walk up to a group. *thinks* hmm never seen them before. A girl begins to speak but I can't make out what she is saying.

I hide behind a tree as I watch him walk towards them. They hand him a necklace and then paint his face. Weird. Maybe it's some club or something. I go back to watching but I don't know what's going on considering his back is faced towards me. Ugh. I move as quietly as I can as I try and find a place I can see and hear them.

"Jacob": They saw you howling Willa.
*thinking* howling??

A girl who I suppose is Willa speaks: So?

"Jacob": We're exposed.
He shows her the drawing my sister did. What is going on? I am so confused.

Willa: Haha. Looks nothing like us Wyatt, we have way better hair than that. Stop being such a worry wolf brother. I only said awoooh, it's like saying ciao or aloha or I'll rip your throat out. Anyway, who cares what they think, it's a terrible town.

Did she just call Jacob....Wyatt??? Did he lie to me? Or does he go by a different name and that's why? Whatever just focus.

Wyatt: We have to find the great alpha.

Willa: If there even is a great alpha.

Wyatt: Willa, we saw her in the forest, she had the white hair.
Are they talking about Addison?

Willa: Probably just the light.

Wyatt: She's real and she's going to lead us to the moonstone, and you know we don't have much time. More and more of our pack are getting sick. Our necklaces are almost out of power. We need to find the moon stone.

???: And when we do, we can recharge our necklaces and stay wolf strong for another 100 years.
Ok so they are werewolves. Cool. So I guess it is true.

Willa: Okay, even if the girl is the great alpha, how do we find her?

Wyatt: I found this in the woods it's hers.

???: We will track her down with our keen sense of smell.

Wyatt: It says Seabrook High on it. So, I thought we might just look there.
Hold up...if they show up at school everyone is going to wig out. Ugh. I can't really do anything , I mean I could I just don't want him to know I followed him.

Willa: Ugh, ok fine. We find the girl and if she's the great alpha she'll lead us to where the moonstone is hidden.

Wyatt: We go in the morning!

Willa: We go tonight!

Wyatt: Or tonight works.

Wolves: Awooohhh.
They all head back to wherever they are going, probably their home. I start to walk away quietly until someone grabs my shoulder and turns me around. I got startled and was about to hit them but they got lucky that I saw who it was.

Wyatt: Did you follow me?

Zaria: No, I just decided to take a troll through the forbidden forest and just so happened to come across you. *my sarcasm very evident*

Wyatt: So you're a stalker? *he crosses his arms and leans against a tree*

Zaria: Yes, I am a stalker and you're a pretty prince. *I copied his movement that he did which made him chuckle*

Wyatt: (he chuckles) So, I'm assuming you heard everything?

Zaria: Gosh what is it with you and your questions. If anything I should be the one asking questions.*I lean my head back and then bring it back so that I can see him* But yes I heard.

Wyatt: *he chuckles* You're not like everyone else in Seabrook. They all are scared but it seems like you're not.

Zaria: One reason might be because I didn't grow up in Seabrook. The other reason is because I really don't care. We are all the same. The only thing that is different is our appearance and the way that we live.

Wyatt: Gosh I wish everyone thought like you did.
They both laugh.
Zaria: So wh-
Wyatt: So wha-
They both started at the same time. They looked at each other and laugh.
Zaria thinks: Why am I laughing? Why am I having a conversation with him?
Zaria: Don't you have to be getting ready to go to Seabrook High?

Wyatt:I still got time.

Zaria: Well I'll give you some extra time then.
You turn around and start walking back home.
Wyatt just watches you walk away. Many questions running through his head. He pushes them to the back of his head and heads back to his pack.

I am so sorry that I never updated. I pulled a butthole move. But I'm posting rn. I'll keep working but I got work for the summer so I'll try my best😁

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2020 ⏰

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