chapter 11

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-Luna's POV-

Since it's the first day of school, they didn't make us do anything in gym class. Instead they just told us to  come prepared with a change of clothes for tomorrow. The teachers just pulled out the beachers and everyone in the gym period sat there. I sat with Ej and got to know a lot about him! Turns out he's really popular. He didn't tell me that, but I figured it out based on basically everyone coming up to him to ask about his summer. He's co-captain of the water polo team here and he's been on varsity since his freshman year. None of the schools i've ever gone to have even had a water polo team so i'll definitely be going to some of the games. Because i've never seen a game before, not because he would definitely look really hot shirtless, in a pool, will soaking wet hair.

Luna calm down holy fuck.

I also found out that he's a theater kid. I definitely was not expecting that out of Ej. I mean, look at him. No theater kid is a sports star, king of the school, hottie. I seriously don't believe it.

"So Ej, what is this year's play?" I asked, leaning on my knees which were propped up on the row in front of me.

"Well, in the fall it's a musical. Not a play." Ej said simply.

"Okay... then what's the musical?" I laughed.

"I'm not sure. We're getting a new drama teacher this year so i'm not sure what they've got up their sleeve."

"Well i'm sure you'll be great whatever it is." Shoot. Did I just flirt?

"Thanks Luna! That's super nice of you. Do you sing?" He asked.

"Eh. In the shower." I laughed awkwardly. "My cousin is the musician in the family.  She's got a killer voice she can dance, she's even learning how to play the guitar. Or ukelele, or trumpet. I have no idea." I explained.

"That's pretty cool. Is she a theater kid?" Ej asked.

"Oh you bet." I laughed. "You'll probably see her at tryouts."

"Well, they're actually called auditions." He chucked. Wow. He just makes me. Wow.

"So where did you live before this?" Ej asked, shifting so his body was facing me.

"Well. I was born in North Carolina." I started. "And I lived there until I was around 9 or 10. Then my dad got transferred to Virginia, then North Dakota, San Diego, Texas, Tennessee, over to Colorado, and then New Jersey. That's where we came from."

"Wow. Seven states? In what, 8 years?" Ej asked, dumbfounded.

"Told you." I shrugged. "I'm used to being the new kid."

"Well that probably gets lonely." He commented.

"I guess. I mean i'm not that great at making friends. I'm pretty shy most of the time. But I have my cousin. And we're only two years apart. We're basically sisters." I gushed thinking about it.

"Well don't worry, i'll introduce you to my friends. And as soon as you know it, you won't be the new kid anymore." Ej said, flashing his dazzling smile.

"You're a really good guy Ej." I smiled. And he flashed another smile right back.

I wanna go out with him. Or hang out with him. I don't know. He hasn't mentioned anything about a girlfriend. So maybe there is none. Okay. You know what. Here goes.

"So Ej did you. I was just wondering if you wanna-"


Oh. Alright bell. Thanks.

"Awsome!" Ej cheered standing up, grabbing his backpack. "Let's head to lunch."

I just nodded while getting up following him out of the gym. I can just ask him later.

"Are you sure your friends are going to be okay? Like, with me sitting with you guys?" I asked, un sure.

"Oh for sure. The guys might crack a couple of jokes but they're harmless I promise. And their chicks are cool." Ej nodded.

"Okay. Cool." I nodded.

When we walked into the cafeteria my jaw literally dropped. It is absolutely insane. I've never seen so many kids actually eating lunch at the same time. There are so many tables and people and so much food.

"Well this is the cafeteria. Where chaos is made." Ej smiled, opening his arms. I followed him down the stairs to the lower part of the cafe.

"Heyo." Ej yelled to the table we walked up to. "This is Luna. She's new." All their eyes snapped towards me.

"These are the guys." Ej introduced putting his bag down. "We got Marco, Tash, Lexi, Alyssa, Jacob, and that Austin." Ej said, pointing to each person at the table. The two girls stood up and walked up to me. On of them has long brown hair and a really short sundress on. The other had her blonde hair in two dutch braids, wearing a wrapped yellow, floral skirt and a white tank top. And let me tell you. I'm intimidated.

"Hi." I said softly. They both started at me, looked back at each other and back at me again.

"We like her." The brown haired one said smiling. "Lexi, but you already know that." She laughed and shook my hand.

"And that makes me Alyssa. But you can call me Lys if you want. All my friends do." The blonde one cheered.

"Luna." I smiled back.

"Love your name." Lexi smiled.

I looked over at Ej who gave me an encouraging wink.

"Thanks, my grandpa always loved constellations and the sky. So that's me. Luna." I shrugged.

"Like the moon!" Alyssa cheered. "That's sweet."

"Hey guys have you seen Nini?" Ej asked us, looking around the cafeteria.

"Dude we've told you, we don't even know what that is!" The kid, I think named Jacob groaned.

"Fuck off Jake." Ej hissed

"Who's Nini?" I asked curiously. I guess one of their friends isn't here yet.

Alyssa leaned over to me and began to whisper, "Nini's Ej's-" suddenly she was cut off by a screaming Ej rushing over to a table across the room.

""Hey babe!" He yelled, jogging over.

Oh. Babe?

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