chapter 54

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-General POV-

"Do you want to come and hang out for a bit?" Nini asked Ricky as he was pulling into her driveway. Turns out Mike was right and it was in fact supposed to storm today. The rain started at the beginning of sixth period and hasn't stopped since. Nothing too bad. It wasn't monsuning but it was definitely more than a light drizzle.

And they could tell that it was just going to get worse by the second.

Both of her moms were still at work and Nini hates being home alone more than anything. Especially during a storm.

"You know i'd love to, but I can't." Ricky sighed, brushing some of Nini's hair out of her face. "I told my dad I'd go straight home. And I have a lot of homework today."

"We can do it together." Nini smiled, running a hand through his curls. Ricky let out a little laugh.

"As much as i'd love too, we both know that we won't get much done." He smiled at the girl in front of him.

"Okay." She sighed.

The rain was coming down even harder, bouncing viciously off Ricky's car.

"I'll call you later?" Ricky asked hopefully, earning an eager nod from Nini. They both unbuckled their seatbelt and reached for each other with open arms. Nini wrapped herself tightly around her boyfriend's torso while one of Ricky's arms hugged her tightly, and the other brushed his hand through her hair.

Nini inhaled, trying to block out the rain drops that were starting to pound down harder by the second onto Ricky's windshield. And Ricky's scent was helping calm her down.

After sitting like that for a couple minutes, with the echo of the rain bouncing off the car, Ricky spoke softly into her hair. "Baby I really have to go." Nini just nodded into his chest, not letting go of him. Ricky placed a sweet kiss on her forehead as he rubbed soft circles on her back.

He couldn't help but let out a sad sigh. He knows she hates storms. Not even just storms. Harsh rain always gets to Nini. But she loves soft drizzles, which Ricky never exactly understood. Every time it would storm Ricky would always be the person that Nini called when she got scared. Which was very, very often.

He knows she hates the rain. And usually he'd be there to hold her. Ever since they were little and he'd skateboard over to her house. He would often find her curled up underneath her covers.

Ricky's parents didn't mind when he would go out in the rain. As long as it wasn't lightning they were fine with him skating over to the girls house, they knew he'd always be safe. But when Ricky started driving, Mike's views quickly changed and Ricky wasn't allowed to go out as often as he wanted to in the rain.

Just precautions.

"I'm sorry." Ricky sighed. Nini pulled back to look up at him. "I know you and rain aren't the best of friends."

"It's okay." She whispered. She didn't mean it to come out so low, but it did. "Not your fault I'm afraid of the rain." Nini laughed awkwardly.

"How about I walk you inside?" Ricky asked sadly, brushing his thumb over her cheek.

"Yes please." She smiled, placing a kiss on his nose which earned a soft smile from Ricky.

Ricky pulled up his hood as he bolted out of his car to Nini's side. She grabbed a backpack and her phone as Ricky whipped open the door. She immediately dashed to the front door, feeling the wetness of the rain drenching her exposed arms.


Nini let out a squeak as the first echo of the loud thunder sounded.

"It's okay." Ricky yelled over the rain as he wrapped an arm around Nini, taking my house key out of the smallest pouch of her backpack. He swung the front door open and Nini ran past him inside. Ricky immediately closed the door and looked over to see Nini shivering. But he couldn't tell if it was from her anxiousness of the rain or the fact that she was soaking wet. "I got you." Ricky cooed, pulling her into a hug.

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