Steven x Depressed!Reader

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Not a request, but I know a lot of people who might need this <3 Reader is going to be human btw :D


Other (smaller) warning: possible slight swearing.


(y/n)-your name

(h/c)-hair color

(h/l)-hair length

(s/c)-skin color

(e/c)-eye color

(f/c)-favorite color

I'll add more as they're needed. Anyways, Oneshot time!

2nd Person POV:

You stood over a beautiful view. Too beautiful. The cliff side was decorated with soft grass and flowers. You sat down on your knees, just admiring the scene for what was planned to be the last time. You had already removed your (f/c) converse and socks and laid them behind you. Your (h/l) (h/c) hair flowed gently behind you (if you have really short or no hair then you simply feel the breeze). You took a deep breath in through your nostrils. It felt so peaceful. But on the inside things were so much different. For months you'd cried every night feeling worthless. Going to school and faking a smile for the friends who worried about you. You'd fall apart twice a day. Every single night you'd look in the mirror and wish you could erase what you saw. These horrible thoughts just became stronger and stronger until they consumed you. You felt like you were out of options. And you were finally alone, at the perfect place, and the perfect time to end the suffering. At least that's what you'd thought. From behind you came soft footsteps. A person who was wearing flip-flops, you could tell by the sound of their walking.

"Hi there, I'm Steven. Is there any particular reason you're up here?" His voice was calm, and quiet. He took a seat beside you. You tensed and looked down, then away. Not once did you look at him.

"Uhm... I'm just... admiring the view..." You sighed, and fought away tears that threatened to fall.

"I understand that. It is beautiful up here." He audibly sighed and shifted so he was leaning back, while you stayed on your knees looking down.

"Y-Yeah... I guess so." You kept your answers short as not to let the quiver in your voice come through.

"Anyways, why are you actually up here?" You tensed even further as your eyes widened. You chose your words carefully.

"W-What do you mean?" You asked.

"Well, first of all, you took your shoes off. I'm sure you didn't do that just to get comfortable. And second, you look awfully tense." He noticed. You subconsciously grabbed your shoes and pulled them in front of your body, trying to relax.

"It's... it's nothing. Why are you up here anyways?" You tried not to sound rude but you had to change the subject.

"Well, I come here when I need to think. I've been dealing with a lot lately. I needed peace and quiet. This is a place I tend to find that." That did it for you. Tears fell and you sobbed quietly.

"Hey hey it's okay, don't cry.. uh.. here, just... talk to me..." He sat up and reached around your shoulders to give you a gentle hug. Your sobs worsened as you draped your arms around his waist and cried into his shoulder onto his soft pink jacket.

"I didn't want to do this... i-it was my last option... it's been so hard.. life has been absolute HELL for me lately... I just... I just wanted it to end!" You spoke between sobs and warm tears. Steven suddenly realized what you meant and he squeezed your body even harder.

"Oh... I'm so sorry... I... I had a feeling that's what you were going to do. But I promise that's not your only option. You can tell me everything.." He spoke gently, causing you to calm down a bit and assess the actual situation. This boy, Steven, was pretty cute, and he was holding you in his arms like he'd known you for years despite not even knowing your name. He seemed to be a genuinely nice person.

"I'm (y/n).. and I came up here because... I hate myself.. I can't stand it... I stop eating and I'm still fat. I never talk and yet my thoughts are so damn loud I feel like I'm screaming. I look in the mirror and I wish I could change everything about myself. I came here to finally end this horrible nightmare but then... then... you show up... and I tell you all this even though we've never met and you don't even know me.. you probably don't even really care about me... you're only doing this to me because you know what would've happened if you didn't.. and you know that you can't change me... but you're trying anyway because.... because....." You drew a blank. You had no idea what else to say. You gently pulled away from Steven and looked in his eyes for the first time since he'd shown up. They're brown, with tiny flecks He stares into your (e/c) irises, studying every color hidden within them. His eyes are watery. You watch as a single tear streaks down his cheek. 

"I...I'm doing this because you're a person, with feelings. And I know you're hurting. And I want to help you. Not because I know you'd be... you'd be... y'know... if I hadn't ended up here... but because I want to know you. I want to understand you. I want to make sure you can love yourself. Because I know we've only just met, but you are so beautiful, on the outside, and as far as I can tell, on the inside too. I want to know more about you." Steven watched your face contort into a scrunched up ball as your eyes released endless streams of warm salty tears. He reached his hand up to your cheek and laid a thumb on it, caressing it and wiping away some of the tears. You laid your own smaller hand over it and cried into it.

"Th-thank you Steven... I'm really glad you showed up... I didn't want to do this I... I..I-I" He cut you off.

"You're welcome. And you don't have to say you didn't want this. It's not your fault. Now, if you need somewhere to stay for the night, you're more than welcome to stay over at my house for the night." He smiled, pulling his hand away from your face and standing up, reaching his hand out for you to take. You gladly grabbed it and allowed him to pull you up, wiping your tears when you finally got all the way up. You bent down and put your shoes back on, re-lacing them and tying them tightly. Silently, you walked by his side back to his house, and slept peacefully and more importantly happily for the first time in an awfully long time.

Alrighty guys, there's a good sample chapter. Sorry it got so sad, it's late at night and I'm in a mood lol. But I hope you guys liked it, and if you want to see more, go back to the request chapter and give me something to write. Love ya'll <333

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