Future Steven x Insecure!HalfGem!Reader

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Okay okay I know what you're thinking, "another sad one author why???" Well listen I had an episode and I'm writing a sad oneshot lol deal with it 😂 reader will be half kyanite again btw, I think it fits the chapter. You'll see why lol

There will be a slight warning: this oneshot will contain themes of self hate, and slight depression. If these themes trigger you, skip this chapter. Thank you!

"Hey (y/n)!" Steven waved at you from the porch of the temple as you ran up the steps. Out of breath, you stood at the door bent over with your hands on your knees.
"Hey..Steven.. how... are you?" You managed to breath out between pants.
"I'm fine, the gems are off teaching at little homeschool so I'm home alone. You?" He smiled a smile that made you so happy. At least that's what you made people believe.
"I'm.. I'm okay, I guess..." you said as you stood all the way up, looking down at one foot as it kicked away a small patch of ice crystals that had formed around it.
"Why? What's wrong?" He asked you, placing a hand on your shoulder causing you to look him in the eyes.
"Um... oh it's actually nothing, my sibling and I just had an argument earlier, nothing big.." you lied.
"Ah.. okay, well, I'm here if you need to talk." He smiled gently and invited you all the way inside. You walked in and took a seat on the couch, laying your hands palms up in your lap watching them become coated in thin sheets of ice. You shook them off. Steven walked in, and sat down right beside you. Then he stood up.
"Wait, I'll go get some video games okay? Be right back!" He yelled as he made his way to his bedroom to look for said activity.
You just sat there, alone with your thoughts. Just what you needed (note the sarcasm). You rubbed your eyes gently as tears threatened to fall. Lately you had been dealing with a lot. Every time you looked at yourself, you felt like ripping your body apart and starting over. You weren't thin or pretty like other girls your age. At least you didn't feel like it. You were ugly and disgusting and fat and you wanted to get rid of that person and just build yourself up from scratch so you'd be perfect, just how you wanted to look. But you were stuck. When you're born, you're stuck in that body forever. That's terrifying. You can't change who you are no matter how badly you want to. Suddenly you heard footsteps and you wiped away tears you didn't even realize you'd cried.
"I'm back, I brought the... video... games..." Steven slowed his speech as he dropped the games he held to the ground, running over to you and giving you a hug. You'd accidentally frozen the entire area around you, and when you'd looked over at Steven he saw your face explode in tears. He had no idea what had happened.
"(y/n) oh my gosh, are you okay?" He looked you in the eyes as you wiped your face.
"Y-yeah... just caught up in thought.." he looked at you, clearly not buying your crap excuse but he chose not to pry any longer.
"We don't have to play video games Y'know." He sat beside you but looked straight ahead, avoiding eye contact. You saw this and did the same.
"What else would we do?" You said shakily.
"Well... we could talk..." you knew where he was going, at least you thought. When you snuck a glance at his face it was rosy pink.
"About w-what?" You choked out, feeling your tears finally stop flowing.
"Anything you want." He finally made eye contact with you, smiling gently. You blushed lightly and opened your mouth but nothing came out.
"Steven..." was all you were able to say.
"Here, I'll start something, then you can go from there okay?" He smiled more, and laid a hand upon your shoulder to calm you. The ice around you slowly began to retreat.
"O-okay..." you replied simply.
"So... there's this girl.. who's really really pretty, and sweet, and she's always there for me. I want to ask her out but... I don't know how..." he admitted. You immediately assumed he meant Connie. After all who'd describe you as pretty? Not to mention you thought you were pretty rude, not sweet at all.
"Um.... I guess just, sing her a song buy her chocolate and tell her your spiel." You sighed and laughed lightly, joking as you spoke. Something lit up in Stevens eyes though.
"Thanks (y/n). I actually have to go check my garden, could you stay here and watch Cat Steven for me? I won't be long." He seemed legitimate so you lightly nodded, patting your lap as the kitten hopped up and purred in your lap. You smiled sadly. Steven saw your nod and ran outside as quickly as possible.
~time skip like 15 minutes~
The door opened abruptly as you looked over to see Steven with his ukulele, a small heart shaped box, and a single (f/c) rose. He sat beside you and started strumming before you could say a thing.

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