Chapter 1: welcome to devil town

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I DO NOT OWN THE SONG DEVIL TOWN which is the song this story is inspired by

Credits to CaveTown The original song writers

Enjoy the story...

" you've heard of scary fairytales right? most of them are fake but the one I'm  about to tell you is 100% real to us that is .... this is the story of me in my life here in Woodrue Field or as The locals called it ....devil town Here I am at the age of 49 three kids no husband he recently died of cancer... telling this story to you on a tape recorder... I almost forgot I haven't mentioned my name my name is Emma Brown  what I'm going to tell you is the experiences me and my relatives and friends experienced living in Woodrue field at the age of 16 me and my friends begin this ...crazy adventure I hope whoever finds these tapes will be able to share them with the rest of the world enjoy.

" The blaring sound of an Aggravating alarm clock made 16 year old Emma fall out of bed and bang her hip on the hard wood floor "

Emma:OW omg are you kidding me?god that hurt.

"Emma stood up off the floor and walked to the bathroom she pulls out her phone to a call from her best friend Kimberly"

Kim: hey are you up? I'm waiting for you by the crosswalk

Emma: yeah I'm up I'll be out in like 20 minutes ok ?

Kim:yeah well like hurry up girl the jocks are playing today at 8:00 sharp!

Emma (smiling): OK OK girl I'll be out LOL see ya soon bye.

"Emma hangs up the phone and gets ready to go out and get to school as she's about to walk out the door her dad stops her"

Sheriff peter: Emma sweetie?

Emma:yeah dad?

Sheriff peter: are you sure you don't need a ride to school? I can give you one no problem

Emma: no thanks dad I'm fine I'm walking with Kimberly Brandon Noah and Nathan

Sheriff peter: you know I'm worried about you and your relationship with Brandon he's a bad influence Emma i'm telling you , you need to cut things off with him

Emma: i'm not breaking up with him just because you think he's a bad dude we've been over this 1000 times dad OK?!

Sheriff peter: (sigh) I know you were gonna say that anyway hope you have a good day at school I making chili tonight so come home at  like 9:30 OK?

Emma:Kay dad love you see ya soon bye

"Emma walks down her driveway then gets jump scared from behind by Kimberly

Emma: (screams) oh my god you snake!

Kim: (laughing) sup Best friend!?

Emma:what are doing? I thought we were supposed to meet at the crosswalk

Kim: well surprise surprise I lied

Emma: if there's one thing You're good at it's lying

Kim:omg shut up

Emma: (giggling) come on lets go get the boys

"Emma and Kimberly start walking down the street and around the block"

Kim: ah yes the rotten boys

Emma: oh come one there cool you  just got to warm up to them

Kim: you're telling me to warm up? Girl you met Brandon less than two weeks ago and now All of a sudden he's your beloved soulmate and you met Noah and Nathan not even five days ago

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