𝙤𝙝, 𝙗𝙤𝙮, 𝙞 𝙘𝙖𝙪𝙜𝙝𝙩 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙨𝙩𝙖𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙜

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— in which Yashiro makes another mistake, but this time, there isn't a good aftermath; and Amane realized that maybe he was too blind to believe he'd have a happy ending

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His friends definitely hate me. . .

Yashiro repeated those thoughts all over again — twice, thrice, it became frantic the more she imprinted it in her mind, until it's all she could think about, eating her heart away with 5 simple words.

Sulking, she glanced back to see the warm grin of Fuji, and the discreet sneers and glares of the people from his group. Yashiro turned away, trying to rid of the image of their mouths curled into a snarl.

Yashiro went home with a frown that day, her usually cheery face twisted into an unattractive pout, feeling dejected. No one asked about it, though, and somehow, it made Yashiro feel worse.

Of course she would be — no one cares about people's thoughts on her more than Yashiro did, and for Fuji's friends to dislike her. . .was disheartening, to say the least. And the fact that no one bothered to even ask her what's wrong just made everything worse. She didn't want to go to school anymore and see their faces ever again.

Deciding that it would be best to get her mind off of things, she checked her phone (no notifications), and checked all her social media apps (no notifications). But, of course, (because the universe pitied her) there was this one app that had the notification—

Yashiro smiled and typed in a greeting, instantly forgetting all of her worries. Insane how a simple text made her feel better, but that just shows how much words have an impact — Yashiro was able to make a friend with that.

RadishLegs: hi, Hanako-kun

HANAKO-KUN_7: Ah!!!!

HANAKO-KUN_7: If it isn't our lady of the evening, Yashiro Nene!

RadishLegs: how come I'm suddenly the lady of the evening now??

HANAKO-KUN_7: Forgive me,

HANAKO-KUN_7: You're always the lady of the evening

Yashiro couldn't stop the laugh that bubbled from her, suddenly feeling giddy with Hanako's antics. Yashiro could never get bored when it comes to talking with him; however, he is a complete stranger and Yashiro shouldn't trust easily too much.

But there's something. . . inexplicable about him. He's making her feel all kinds of emotion: happiness, anger, worry, and even sadness. Yet somehow, despite the fact that he is the epitome of "rollercoaster of emotions", Yashiro could never stop grinning when talking to him. No one else can really make her feel this way.

Even Fuji?

Yashiro's face fell. Right.

She talked with Hanako for a while, before she typed out an apology and forced herself to go to sleep.

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HANAKO-KUN_7: Yashirooo, do you prefer donuts with frosting or normal ones?

RadishLegs: normal? Don't you mean plain or something?

HANAKO-KUN_7: Normal, plain— who cares!

HANAKO-KUN_7: Just tell me which one!

RadishLegs: I like donuts with frosting better, to be honest

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