𝙬𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙙𝙤 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙠 𝙤𝙛 𝙢𝙚?

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— in which truth is revealed

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Days had passed before she even knew it. In fact, it all happened so fast that Yashiro didn't even realize that it was already a different week. Time flies by when there's nothing special going on.

Yashiro was supposed to be more comfortable around Fuji (they are in a relationship after all), but she just kept on feeling left out, especially because he was with his friends most of the time. But Yashiro still liked Fuji, so she didn't want to ruin things when her anxiety is just talking.

So far, everything was fine between Fuji and her. Fuji acted like a sweet boyfriend, but his friends still treated her as if she's an alien. Fuji had told her countless of times that she shouldn't mind his friends, and Yashiro believed him because he told her he'd pick her any day.

Yashiro was too naive to even look past his sugar-coated, white lies. No— maybe she knew, but she denied it all in fear of breaking her heart.

That is, until. . .

Aoi entered the classroom without her usual smile. Her eyes bore straight on to Yashiro's, almost piercing her soul. Yashiro almost didn't catch up with what she said because she was too dumbfounded with Aoi's sudden change.

"Nene-chan, we need to talk."

Aoi didn't wait for a response as she grabbed Yashiro's wrist and guided her outside of the classroom. Class was over, it was break time — so what in the world did Aoi want to say so badly that they had to go outside?

"Aoi, what's— Akane-kun!?"

Akane gave Yashiro an aggrieved smile, different from his usual lovestruck grin whenever Aoi was around. He's serious, and that concerned Yashiro. Did she do something wrong?

"What's this about?" Yashiro nervously asked. It wasn't often Aoi and Akane pulled her aside to talk about something so grave, especially when things were going so well. At least, for her.

"It's about Fuji," Akane answered, his eyes cast downwards.

Yashiro's heart fell. "Why? Is something wrong with Fuji-kun? Did something happen?"

Aoi shook her head and sent Yashiro a comforting smile. "No. What Akane-kun's trying to say is we need to talk about you two."

Yashiro protectively crossed her arms on her chest, a stance that she never had shown before against Akane and Aoi, and this deeply concerned all three of them. "Do you have a problem with our relationship?"

Aoi bit her lip. She glanced at Akane, who nodded solemnly, then back at Yashiro. "It's not that we have a problem with you and Fuji-kun. Don't get me wrong, Nene-chan, I am so happy for you! But, you see. . .there is a problem with your relationship."

"Yashiro-san," Akane began, almost business-like, "I know you have heard of Fuji's and his friends' reputation, right?" When Yashiro reluctantly nodded, Akane's hard stare softened. It was like. . .he felt bad. But felt bad for what? "We just want to protect you. We don't trust Fuji, but we trust you. It's your choice, Yashiro-san."

"I-I don't understand," Yashiro fretted. "You guys aren't making any sense to me."

"Nene-chan, just be careful, okay? If you have to end things, then end it quickly. We won't say anything because I'm afraid that we might be wrong, but we are suspecting that something's suspicious with Fuji," Aoi told Yashiro. "You'll understand soon."

"Why are you guys pretending that you know what's best for me?" Yashiro snapped, her hands curled into a fist. "If you know I'm happy with him, then stop interfering! Just because you two found each other doesn't mean you have the right to rub it in the faces for people who didn't yet!"

There was a moment of silence and tension that filled the air. Aoi and Akane stared at her in shock. Yashiro swallowed a lump in her throat — she didn't mean to snap at them. She just had enough of Aoi and Akane butting their noses in her business when everything was normal.

Is it really all right? The voice back in her mind asked.

"Just leave me alone. . .please." Yashiro sniffled. "I need some time."

Aoi placed a hand on Yashiro's shoulder. "I'm not going to be mad, Nene-chan. Just open your eyes, okay?" Then they left without another word.

Yashiro didn't want to upset her friends, but here we are now. She didn't want to ruin everything just for a single person, but here we are now. She didn't want to cry, and yet here we are now.

Yashiro turned away and raced downstairs, her cheeks and eyes hot from all the crying. Everything was messed up, and everything is Yashiro's fault. She neglected her friends: Aoi, Akane, and even Hanako. I wonder what he's doing now? Her heart skipped a beat when she thought about him, but it's probably from the fact that she's guilty.

They stopped talking ever since the fight, and it just made Yashiro feel worse, especially after learning that he was struggling when he called her that night.

She was about to take a sharp turn, but paused mid-air when she heard familiar voices fill the hallway. Yashiro quickly hid away from sight, her back latched on the wall, still breathing heavily.

"I didn't think you'd actually do it, Fuji," a voice mused, and Yashiro recognized that it was one of Fuji's friends. Yashiro's brows furrowed.

Didn't think he'd do what? Yashiro asked herself. She tried to take a peek, and sure, enough, it was Fuji, cornered by his group of friends.

"Yeah," a girl with pigtails chirped, a sly smirk on her face. "Now you get to say Oh, I dated a girl with fat ankles, can you beat that? Oh, poor girl!"

Yashiro's eyes widened. They're definitely talking about her, and it's not in a good note.

Fuji growled. "Can you guys stop bothering her? I get that you all have standards and all but you're making Yashiro uncomfortable."

"Oh?" A low voice chuckled. "What? You're acting like Prince Charming now? You've changed, Fuji." The boy with dark, unruly hair stepped closer to Fuji.

"Back off," Fuji spat. "Yeah, I did it — so what? Just leave us alone."

"Wow, Fuji. Just wow. Hope you have a great time with your little girlfriend," one of them sneered. "I can't wait until she figures out how messed up you are and make her cry."

"No, she's not—" Fuji paused. "I'm not going to let her know. Just. . ." Fuji seemed like he was having a hard time forming words, which is a sight to see from his usual suave personality.

Yashiro didn't even realize her feet carried her away from her hiding spot until the pigtailed girl met her eyes, hers were glimmering with amusement ,while Yashiro's were glossy with sadness.

But Yashiro didn't care about her, she didn't care about any of them. All that mattered for Yashiro are answers.

"Oh, look, your girlfriend showed up at the right time!" She cackled.  "Man up, Fuji. Stop playing with her, you heartless boy."

Fuji stared at her in horror —which Yashiro absolutely hated to see. She expected him to laugh it off, tell her everything's a silly joke and everything will go back to normal, but no. Fuji feared her presence.

Yashiro almost heard her heart shatter into a million pieces. Who is she kidding, she felt it. "Fuji-kun. . ?"

Just when everything's going so well.

Yashiro regretted telling Aoi and Akane off. She believed them now. And yet again, everything's her fault. She was too stupid to think she'd have a happy ending with someone out of her league.

"We'll leave you two alone."

With a pat on Fuji's shoulder, they walked away, leaving the two completely by themselves, both with completely opposing reactions.

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