𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙬𝙚𝙖𝙧 𝙩𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙥𝙚𝙧𝙛𝙚𝙘𝙩 𝙨𝙢𝙞𝙡𝙚

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- in which Akane is planning something that he may or may not regret later on

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No. 7: Now, if you would just tell me what you're planning to do...this would be way easier

No. 1: shut up. it's a surprise.

No. 1: stop acting like I'm going to kill you or something


No. 1: nO I'M NOT!!

No. 1: i just asked if you were free to go out tomorrow!!

No. 1: What the hell, Amane, are we really friends or not??

No. 7: Who in their right mind would ask someone if they can go out on a FRIDAY!?

No. 7: N o o n e! Unless you're a murderer!

No. 1: stop overreacting Amane

No. 1: i decided to do something nice to you and this is how you repay me?

No. 7: I would shut up if you told me what this nice thing you are going to do first

No. 1: then that would ruin the purpose of the surprise!!!

No. 1: are you stupid??? don't you know what surprise means????


No. 1: so?

No. 1: are you free tomorrow?

No. 7: Maybe ,,,👉👈

No. 1: great.

No. 1: I'll pick you up tomorrow as soon as school is over

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"A 10 minute bus ride," Akane said, stretching his arms, eliciting a short grunt from his lips. "Not bad. The train will be faster, so I would recommend taking that instead."

Amane scrunched his nose up and stared at Akane incredulously. "You've already visited my house before, what are you talking about?" Though it wasn't surprising that Akane always acted weird, Amane didn't expect that Akane suddenly paid attention to the route from his house to. . .wherever they're supposed to go.

Akane tipped his glasses a bit. "You'll thank me later. Also, your face is a bit swollen, did something happen back home?"

Amane shrugged. "Not really. Like I told you, Tsukasa has been pretty peaceful lately ever since I finally took him to therapy. He doesn't speak to me, though. I think he's still mad that I sent him there."

Akane sighed. "Amane, you know this would've happened earlier if you just allowed me to give you some money-"

Amane waved his hands dismissively. "Not happening. Besides, it all worked out in the end, didn't it? Maybe I had to suffer a bit, but I saved up and got what we both wanted in the end." He then grinned. "Let's stop the sad talk, I'm getting kinda excited with your surprise!"

"As you should be," Akane coolly responded. "You'll owe me a lot, which I can use in the future."

Amane shivered. "Just how grand is this surprise!? It better be life-changing, Akane!"

"It is life-changing."

Amane's phone rang. Akane watched as his friend's expression suddenly brightened, his thumb swiping at his phone. The redhead sighed. Once Amane talks to Yashiro, it's nearly impossible to get him out.

"Come on, now." Akane grabbed Amane's sleeve and forced him to walk faster — and although it worked, the ravenette's attention was still glued on his phone.

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