𝙙𝙤 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙠 𝙤𝙛 𝙢𝙚?

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— in which Yashiro realized that maybe it won't be so bad to let go and move on

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"It's a dare, isn't it?"

Fuji's face fell. His usually charming, bright face was now gloomy — Yashiro almost felt bad that she was the one who made him like this. He opened his mouth, "Yashiro, I can e—"

Yashiro shook her head and raised a hand to stop him from blabbering. "It's fine. I understand. You don't need to explain anything further. All I need you to do is. . .to let me go, I guess."

And it's true. Yashiro had realized a lot of things, but the first one was that maybe she got her hopes up too much, and it just ruined her in the end. Yashiro also learned that it was time to start over with everything: with Fuji, with their relationship, with her friends, with Hanako.

Is this what Yashiro is supposed to feel? Of course she's sad — who wouldn't be? She just broke up with her first (and hopefully not last) boyfriend. But there's also slight satisfaction. She finally knew why Fuji suddenly came up to her and asked her out, she finally had an answer after days of sleepless nights. Yashiro being relieved is an understatement.

She had been paranoid the whole time and snapped at others, which she deeply regretted later on. No one else is at fault but Yashiro and her relationship with Fuji.

Maybe Fuji's confession was just a hollow victory for her.

Maybe the whole time, Yashiro thought that Fuji will magically be her soulmate if she accepted his confession. She was too desperate.

The brunette frowned. "Yashiro, I have feelings for you, you know. And it's not a joke."

"Thank you, Fuji-kun. I learned a lot with our time together." Yashiro laughed, but it was hollow; lost somewhere. She was just feeling empty. Though she knew that breaking up with Fuji was for the greater good, deep down, she is sad that her first relationship was a complete fail. "I mean it."

To think that I was stupid enough to play along, Yashiro sighed. Of course it's some dumb dare! Why would you even think he'd like you from the start!?

"Yashiro, please—"

Yashiro placed a finger on top of Fuji's lips, to shut him up. She was honestly getting annoyed with his voice, and it's unbelievable that it was the first thing Yashiro fell in love with long time ago. "It's fine, Fuji-kun. It's over. Still, thank you for everything. I was happy with you, you know? It really is a dream come true."

Fuji seemed torn. "Nene. . ."

Yashiro's heart ached when Fuji used her first name, but she set it aside because she just wanted to end things quickly before she dissolves into hysterical sobs in front of him. "Fuji-kun," Yashiro said, her tone stern, dripping with finality. "It's okay, really! I hope you find someone who'll make you happy."

Yashiro laughed and poked Fuji's nose, trying to change his grieving face. "Come on, Fuji-kun. We're still young, anyway. Let's not take this too seriously."

Yashiro opened her arms, a sad smile gracing her lips. . . and it was then Fuji realized just how much Yashiro had changed for a couple weeks. She matured. Fuji didn't hesitate to hug her.

He was trembling earlier, as if he was going to hyperventilate any moment, but then he eventually relaxed when Yashiro smiled at him. He stood there before her, like a man defeated.

"You deserve better, Nene. You deserve to be happy. I'm sorry," Fuji mumbled, his eyes starting to warm. "I really, really like you, and I'm so sorry."

Yashiro didn't doubt that he was. She pulled away. "I know." She raised her pinky. "Friends?"

Fuji chuckled — albeit forced and hoarse; his voice just cracked — and twirled his pinky around hers. "Friends."

Fuji just stood there limply, not bothering to fight back anymore when Yashiro stepped back from him. She looked sorrowful. . .but she's content. Yashiro's peaceful. And Fuji is happy for her. After a pause, Yashiro's lips parted hesitantly.

"I. . . have to go."

Then Yashiro walked away. After two steps, she quickened her pace — determined, she's really determined.

"Good luck with him, Nene!" Fuji called out.

Yashiro halted in her steps. Shocked, she twirled around, but Fuji was already walking away, wiping his face. Yashiro felt a grin creep up her cheeks. Fuji's really a nice guy, even if he asked her out because it was a dare. Yashiro really did hope Fuji would find someone that he deserves.

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"Aoi, Akane-kun."

The said two beamed at Yashiro, proud smiles plastered on their faces. They act like they're parents. Yashiro wanted to laugh, but all that came out was a choked sob and a pained chuckle. She crashed into Aoi's open arms.

"Sorry you had to end it that way, Nene-chan," Aoi said, rubbing her back up and down. "And sorry we were too late. We didn't want to hurt you when you looked so happy."

Akane sadly sighed and nodded. "But when we realized that you were faking it after a few days, we were too late. . ."

Yashiro laughed, wiping her tears away. "It's okay. I'm the one who should be sorry: what I said was too harsh. I'm happy for you two."

Aoi pulled away. From Yashiro's view, it really was satisfying to see both of them together. From even the small way Akane was always glued next to Aoi protectively, to the cheers Aoi would give him when he struggles, and the way they balance each other out — they were perfect for each other.

"You really are soulmates, huh?" Yashiro said. "Even when I'm colorblind, I can see all those red hearts surrounding you two. Whatever red looks like, anyway."

Aoi giggled, a small flush on her cheeks. "You'll find yours soon, Nene-chan. I'm sure of it."

"I'll make sure of it," Akane chimed in.

Neither Yashiro not Aoi knew what he meant, but no one asked about it.

Suddenly, something tugged in her heart. Yashiro didn't know what and why, but the instant she felt it, she remembered Hanako.

"Oh no," Yashiro gasped. "I'm sorry, Aoi, Akane-kun! I. . .need to fix something really bad!" She latched herself off of Aoi, panic sudden overtaking her features.

"Nene-chan, are you okay?" Aoi worriedly asked.

Yashiro gave her a reassuring grin and a thumbs up. "Don't worry, Aoi! I just need to do something real quick. It's really important to me." She skipped over to the classroom's door, her heart racing.

Everything was going too fast, but Yashiro would be damned if she said she wasn't enjoying it. The rush of adrenaline, along with a swirl of different emotions gave her a boost. She needed to fix everything today, ASAP! There was a list of people that was wounded because of Yashiro. (A rather long list).

And Hanako is the most important person in that list.

Yashiro turned around for a second to see her two friends' reactions. Aoi was still confused, but Akane was amused.

Akane grinned. "Go and get him, Yashiro."

Yashiro smiled back and nodded. I sure will.

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