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"Alright team great job, I'll see you all in moday." our coach said as we got of the bus that just came from the sports Olympic.

We bid our goodbyes and gone on our different ways.

I opened my phone to call Nayeon to hang out with the girls tonight since its friday and I've heard that Sana and Tzuyu are now here. It took her three rings to pick up.

"What do you want?" She answered. I rolled my eyes and sat down on one of the benches by the bus stop.

"Hello to you too, where are you guys? I wanna hang out, I just got back btw." I told her.

"Momoring take two pieces of those and three of these, oh a pocky box." I heard her say "sorry me and momo are buying snacks for tonight's sleep over, and you should come, everyone will be there, Y/n and Dahyun's house."

I got excited about the sleep over that I ended the call without saying goodbye and headed straight to my house to pack.

I got some ideas in mind for this sleep over.


Me and Mina just got back from her house since she has more games than me, now we're currently going inside my house to see it already set up for tonight and everyone there, even Jeongyeon!

"Hey you're back!" Me and Mina said almost at the same time.

"Of course, I cant miss this." she said with that glint in her eyes.

What is she up to?

"So what's the plan?" Sana asked and some suggested we should play some games while others wanted to watch a movie, then Momo stood up with a very serious expression.

"Me is hungry." she said in a really cute voice then she rubbed her tummy with now a sad and pouty face.

Why does she have to be so adorable? And why am I so whipped?

"Okayyyy, lets all eat first shall we? While the others should just watch a movie while the real people who know how to cook without burning the house down, cook, araso?" Jeongyeon instructs and Jihyo gave her a thumbs up like she's saying 'great job, leader is proud.'

"Okay, I'll help cook." Nayeon said and everyone reacted negatively in chorus and I just shook my head remembering what happened last year in our cooking class, that we all share.

Nayeon was being so competitive with Jihyo, which ended up to a big mess; Nayeon burned the oven while Jihyo manage to leave her kitchen area covered in a substance we couldn't identify.

"I'll cook." I said since I know how to, ever since I started having a crush on Momo since she loves foods.

"I'll help." she stood up and headed towards the kitchen and I just followed suit leaving the girls watch a movie and three of them jealous.


Why did I say that? Its not like I actually know how to cook!

"So what are we making?" I asked him while he was looking inside the refrigerator.

"Well, I was thinking of a sour shrimp soup, since its a bit cold tonight and we have shrimp, so yeah." he told me and took the ingredients out.

"Anything else?" I asked when he got back to the refrigerator.

"Yeah, Jokbal, lots of it." he answered, smiling and began taking those ingredients out.

"Momo unnie's favorite." I uttered and he nodded.

While he did the cookinh, I helped a bit like chopping that or mixing that and after a few minutes we- well more likely he finished the Jokbal and now just slow cooking the soup leavibg it to boil as he turned to me.

"So, why did you come here to help me? I know you dont know how to cook from the looks of it." he intrigued.

I was shock for a sec before making my face expressionless.

"Because I want to, is that bad?" I said with my facade on.

He chuckled shaking his head before closing the stove off, taking a huge bowl he put the soup in it and laid the bowl in the middle of the table along with the jokbal, I, without instructions just took out plates and silverware.

"Guys dinner is ready!" Y/n called out and soon we were all eating as they complemented Y/n's cooking, especially Momo unnie who loved the food especially the jokbal.

After eating we decided to play, from monopoly, which Jihyo unnie is great at to the mafia game in which Nayeon and Jihyo unnie were the mafias, decided to 'kill' Momo unnie for obvious reasons, to tekken and other games involving their PSP 4, which Mina unnie and Y/n were really good at, and now we're playing truth or dare.

Chaeyoung unnie spinned the bottle (dunno where they got that from) and it pointed at Momo unnie.

"Uhmm, Truth." Momo unnie chose then Jeongyeon unnie whispers something to chae.

Then chae gave the question "Okay, who is or was your crush?"

Momo unnie's eyes widen a bit before she answered "uhmmm, it was a long time ago but I had a crush on Heechul oppa, now I dont have any crushes."

"Our senior?" Dahyun said clearly shock and Momo just nod, then we continued the game.

Mina unnie spun the bottle and it pointed at Jihyo unnie she picked dare.

"Hmm, I dare you to bake your crush's favorite cupcake and give it to him on monday." Mina gave her dare which Jihyo unnie glared her at.

After a few dares and truth, thd bottle landed on Y/n for the 3rd time.

He chose truth but immediately changed it to dare, once Jeongyeon asked who his crush is.

"Dare?, hmm, I dare you to do the pocky game with, hmm, lets see..." Jeongyeon looked around and smirked at Nayeon and Jihyo who were giving her looks.

I think they're having a telepathic communication like:

Nayeon: choose meeee!!!!

Jihyo: aniii, chose meeee!!

Jeongyeon, laughing: and why should I?

Jihyo: cuz I am a Godd!!!

Nayeon: cuz I'm pretty!!!

I shook my head out of that thought.

As Jeongyeon picked "Sana, do the game with her."

Sana unnie was now a blushing mess and Y/n was hesitating.

Jeongyeon took the pocky box and I heard Nayeon unnie muttering 'I shouldn't have bought that stupid shit.' And Jihyo unnie giving Jeongyeon daggers.

Jeongyeon unnie gave Y/n a piece and he took it, he scooted over to Sana unnie "you okay with this?" He asked her and she just nod, still blushing.

"Oh, and btw, you can only cut it when it's either 1cm or 2, your choice." Jeongyeon unnie added.

Nayeon unnie stood up "That's too short!" She complained and Jihyo unnie agreed with her.

"So? It's not like you could do anything about it." Jeongyeon unnie stuck her tongue at them.

After things were settled. Y/n and Sana unnie started eating the pocky stick very slowly with both of them blushing.

And without the both of them knowing, they actually got to 1cm when Y/n bit it off and going back to his place as Sana unnie was still blushing, I mean how could she not? When their noses was already touching?

But as the game goes on and on I could still see Sana unnie... smiling? While I was, I don't know...


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