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'Grand school fair!' That was written on the big banner high up the school gate and posters all over. Different booths were set up around the open field.

Its been exactly three months after the stockroom scene and honestly? Its been smooth sailing since then. Me and Y/n are now good friends, we don't know if we'd be able to be bestfriend again or not, but its better than nothing right?

Nayeon unnie, Jihyo unnie and Sana unnie aren't crushing over Y/n anymore, which is weird (especially on Sana unnie's case) but whatever. Y/n doesn't have a crush on Momo unnie either and when I asked him he just said he's over her and has someone else on his heart.

Which is disgusting, how could you put someone in your heart? Even my dog, Gucci couldn't fit.

While me? I learned how to control the force and telekinesis (yes its a joke, laugh or I'll kill you in your sleep)

I've turned down a lot of stupid suitors along the way, part of the reason is because They're smelly and perverted pigs, another reason is maybe because

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I've turned down a lot of stupid suitors along the way, part of the reason is because They're smelly and perverted pigs, another reason is maybe because...

"Hey!" I heard someone behind me "I'm your partner today." He said.

I raised a brow at him making him chuckle "and why is that? Where's Sana unnie?" I asked him.

"Well she's with my sister." He answered as we began walking around finding a place to sit.

"And the others? Can't it just be a group date?" I continue to ask him as we sat down on a table by the food square- where all the food stalls are placed.

"Hmmm, Nayeon is with Jeongyeon, playing I think, Minari is with Chae, being all lovey dovey as usual," I chuckled at that as he continued "Jihyo is with Dan and Momo is with Heechul," then he brought his face closer to mine "why dont you wanna be with me instead?"

Not gonna lie my heart skipped a bit because of that.

"It's not that, aren't you jealous of Momo unnie and Heechul oppa?" I changed the topic.

"Nah, besides I already told you Momo isn't my crush anymore." He answered.

"So what should we do for today partner?" I asked him.

"Well how bout we go on that booth?" He pointed behind me, I immediately look where he's pointing at and saw two booths, a photo booth and a wedding booth.

"Which booth?" I asked skeptical.

"The white one." He answered trying to hide his smirk and I just rolled my eyes at him.

"Y/n those two are both white, just tell me if you wanna marry me and lets get it over with." I said smugly as he turned red.

"I was talking about the photo booth," He took a deep breath before smiling at me "but hey if you wanna get married, why not?" He said "you are my girlfriend for today so, why not?" He added recovering from my teasing.

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