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"So Jagi, what do you wanna do for today?" Y/n asked while we're walking around the mall after we ate.

"Hmm, I want to watch a movie jagi." I answered and cling unto his arm.

Chances like this are rare.

"Lets go then."


"They're headed to the cinema house," Minari reported "should we follow?"

"Yes, we should." Jihyo confirmed and we headed to the cinema to buy the same tickets they bought.

Romance? Pft I'm sure it's Nayeon unnie's Idea

But as we go in the cinema, trying to be discreet, I'm pretty sure I saw Nayeon unnie glaring at us.

We sat just a few rows from them. Half of us are actually enjoying the movie since we actually had no choice but to come here. The others namely: Jihyo unnie, Sana unnie, and even Tzuyu are watching closely at the fake couples, they even have binoculars!

Where the hell did they got that?

Then I felt my phone buzz in my pockets, I opened it to see Nayeon unnie's Name pop up.

Uh oh.

Old bunny🐰: LEAVE US ALONE!!!

"Guys she knows that were here." I whispered to them.

"Tell her we need to be here since we need to make sure they do the dare." Jeongyeon unnie said while eating her popcorn.

I did what I was told and texted her.

Me: we need to make sure you guys will do the dare and that you wont escape.

She replied quickly.

How does she do that? Especially since the main star of the movie is Lee Jieun, bith hers and Y/n oppa's favorite, shouldn't she focus on the movie?

Old bunny🐰: You think I'll do that? Besides I don't go down on a dare.

Pft, please we all know you won't go out of this, its one of your dreams to date Y/n oppa.

Me: If thats so just let us be.

I replied and she didn't text back.

Then I heared Jihyo unnie say...

"She's resting her head on Y/n's shoulder, bitch"

Wow shes really pissed

After the movie that actually lasted for three hours, we saw them heading to an amusement park, and since its already night time the park looks very beautiful with different colored lights beaming.

We're all hiding behind a stall filled with souvenirs, looking at the fake couples sharing a pink cotton candy being sweet and all.

And to my surprise, I see Tzuyu visibly mad.

"Bastard." I heared her utter in a wisper.

Not Tzuyu too, Aigoo.


After a lot of rides, games and eating, we decided to go home, well as a great fake boyfriend I am I made sure to get her home safe.

"Thanks Y/n oppa, even though this was just a dare, I had fun." Nayeon said, clutching the stuff bunny I got for her.

"Yeah me too jagi~" I teased and we both laugh "but seriously, I had fun, a lot."

Then she hugged me. I stood still before hugging her back.

"Jaljayo Jagi." She bid me goodnight.

"Goodnight to you too bunny." I said back.

But before she could go back inside she kissed my cheeks before going in saying goodbye one last time.

"You can all come out now!" I shouted a little making the eight of them come out from their hiding place.

"I figured it out, go home its late." I said to them and waited for them to hail a cab before me and Dahyun headed home.

I already knew Nayeon has a crush on me, I'm not that dense, but I only like her as a friend, a bestfriend even.

Besides I ship 2yeon.

So i thought this dare would just be me giving her wish come true.

I love Im Nayeon, but not as much as her.

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