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"Y/n! get down here and eat before going." I heard my mom call from down stairs.

"Be there in a sec!" I answered and fasten my tie a little tighter before going down to eat. Once I got to our dinning table my little sister wasn't there eating.

"Where's Tofu?" I ask as I took my seat and started to dig in.

"She already gone for school, she said that friends of hers are going in today as their first day of school, transferred from Japan she said." my dad answered coming out of the kitchen.

I just nod at him and ate faster since I wanted to see a certain someone...

I left home at 6:19 and got to school at 6:37 meaning I still had a few minutes before class starts. I started to head into our open field to find my sister.


I'm here at our favorite spot waiting for Tzuyu and Sana unnie.

They came from Japan but Tzuyu's Taiwanese based on Japan because of her family's work, my family also came from japan a long time ago back when me and my brother were still kids, that's where Sana unnie, Tzuyu, Momo unnie, Mina unnie, and I met. but sadly Momo unnie and I moved to Korea to study better soon Mina unnie followed us, both Sana unnie and Tzuyu wanted to move too but Sana's dad had an important work Contract so they had to stay there and Tzuyu also stayed behind saying both of them would just move to Korea together.

"Tofu!" I heard an annoying voice call me from my thoughts. I turn to see my stupid brother running towards us.

"Yah! What are you doing here?" I half shouted at him even thought I already know why.

"Nothing just wanted to see my sister." he shrugged and sat down beside me "Hello Momo." he greeted at Momo unnie who was eating a piece of sushi.


"Hello oppa." Momo greeted back waving a pair of chopsticks in the air while also munching the sushi making my brother, Y/n's smile grow wider.

Yeah my brother likes Momo unnie.

"Yah! Y/n oppa you wont say Hi to me too?" wailed Jihyo unnie, and good thing Nayeon unnie isn't here yet or else both of them would fight for my brother's attention, every one said that both of them had a crush on my brother and we all could see that even Momo unnie who always was a bit dense about my brother's feelings for her, we all know about the two's feeling for my brother well except for my stupid brother.

"Aigoo stop being a baby, Jihyo, hello to you to." he said patting her head making Jihyo unnie grin.

"Oppa have lunch with me-err-us later" Jihyo unnie said dragging Y/n to sit beside her.

"Err I have to," Y/n started "Uhmm."

"Y/n oppa you should come I'll share my Jokbal with you, well just a little bit ehhehe" Momo unnie said and of course my stupid brother nodded instantly.

"Yeah sure!" he answered with those lovey-dovey eyes. And I could just see Jihyo unnie roll her eyes.

Aigoo why did my brother had to gain his good looks from me?

when the bell rang all of us scrambled towards our classrooms and sadly Tzuyu and Sana unnie didn't show up so we all thought we'd just see each other at lunch time.


"It's your fault why were gonna be late!" Tzuyu said while were both finding our room, thankfully were classmates.

I pouted "I was busy."

she glared at me, oops shouldn't have said that "Busy with looking at your fish for hours?!"

"It wasn't hours okay? It was just 59 minutes." I said giving he a sly grin.

Tzuyu was about to answer me when we heard a shriek. soon we see ourselves being chock I mean hugged by Momo unnie .

"You both didn't go to our meeting place earlier why?" she asked as our hug came to an end.

"Sana unnie made us late." Tzuyu said.

Before I could defend myself the bell rang.

"Huh, that's the second bell for today, which means..." Momo unnie began thinking hard.

"Which means what unnie?" I asked and her eyes suddenly widen.

"We're really late!" then she run towards the room in front of us which means were classmates. I was about to comment on that when Tzuyu pulled me towards the room.


I pulled Sana unnie towards our room and we saw Momo unnie being scolded by the teacher before she took her seat then the teacher turned to us.

"Oh you must be the transferred students from Japan, you're late by the way," then she motion to the space in front of her desk "introduce yourselves."

Sana unnie goes in first "Hello everyone, I'm Minatozaki Sana, I hope we can be bestfriends" she bowed then she pulled me in to go next.

I sighed before speaking "Hi, I'm Chou Tzuyu." then I bowed.

"Okay so Ms. Minatozaki, sit beside Y/n over there," Ms. Jang said pointing at a slumped figure with black-brown hair, sleeping in class? what a slob "and Ms. Chou sit behind Y/n" Ms. Jang continued still pointing at the guy. We thanked her and took our seats.

"Alright now bring out your books and turn to page 145 a-" Ms. Jang was cutted by a voice from the mini speaker in the wall.

"Attention all teachers please kindly go to the teacher's lounge, we have a sudden meeting, thank you." it said

"Great," we heard her mumble before going out and popping her head back in "behave." the she finally left.

Soon I found my Classmates Chatting while others goes in Sana unnie's side to talk while others were trying to do the same to me but I just raised a brow at their every attempt.

Then I looked at the guy named Y/n to see him still slumped down but now has a pair of air pods in his ears.

Unknowingly I did the same...

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