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okay. whoa. hello. hi. so. i just...

let me just start with this.... who else melted when they heard Little Things. cuz i know i did. The vocals were beautiful, the lyrics were beatiful.... everything was beautiful in that moment okay. you couldve shown me a plate of cauliflower and i wouldve told you how beautiful it was.

SOrry for the slow updates! i can only get on the computer on the weekends at night... yeah i know todays thursday but i dont have school tomorrow so. Anywhooooooo. i have recently descovered this thing called a 'social life'? idk. i know not alot of directioners have them. theyre actually quite nifty.... if thats how you spell it.

aha. but i justthought id take this moment to tell you that id be updating my story this weekend andOMG THERES A GHOST IN MY HOUSE BYE.

*swag muffin*

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