its been so long since i posted that i had to re-read the last chapter. WHOA. you know theres a problem when the author forgets their own story....
ANYWHO remember the new characters i was talking about? yeah.... theyre in this chapter. TOOTLES.
oh and this chapter is dedicated to 3 lovlies.... i think you know who you are. :) AND @RainbowHoops
yeah.... so..... yeah.
Elizabeths P.O.V.
As i watched T.V., i could faintly hear a burping contest going on in the kitchen. I sighed. Dont get me wrong, I love the boys. But i havent hung out with any girls in a long time and dealing with them was starting to take a toll on me. Niall and i have been on two dates now, and while we were out, he mentioned the boys' girlfriends. I know who they are. I had heard of them, and (being the fangirl that i am) had quite a few blogs dedicated to them. I sighed. "Guys. Living room. Now." I called out and i heard 10 feet scramble into the room. Niall hopped onto the couch next to me with Liam on his other side. Zayn and Harry each fought louis for a chair, who, in the end, had to sit on the floor. "Guys..... you know that youre awesome and all-" "ESPECIALLY ME!" Louis yelled. "....yes Lou. Especially you. But... i need like girl time, you know?" They all nodded as Harry pulled out his phone. "whatre you doing?" he smirked. "Calling the girls. You can hang with them." The girls. Their girlfriends. The ones that are famous and ASDFGHJKL. I had to control my emotions. Harry went into the kitchen to talk to them on the phone, and came back 2 minutes later. "Theyre on the way." i smiled. "YAY!" Louis managed to break my eardrums foir the second time.... and it was only 10 in the morning.
There was a knock on the door. Before anyone could get to it, it burst open. "HAZ!!!!!!!!!!" A girl with short brown hair with blonde highlights ran into the room and tackled Harry. "CATTY!!!" Harry hugged her as they layed in a heap on the floor. "Catty, wait for us!" Someone outside yelled.Three more girls walked in. "Sorry guys. I hadnt even parked the car and she just kinda jumped out of it...." Zayn laughed. "Its alright, Kayla." Kayla was about the same hight as me, with a little longer than shoulder length, light brown, curly hair. The two other girls were just kind of standing there laughing. Liam walked into the room, and walked over to Kayla. He kissed her on the cheek and her face lit up. Harry walked in and sat down on the couch next to me. "Catty! Come here! Theres someone I'd like you to meet." there was silence. "Catty?" Harry called. "Harry. Come help me get up." She called from the kitchen floor. Harry smiled and rolled his eyes. "Im walking..." he got up and went to the kitchen, and came back seconds later, carrying Catty on his back. She kissed his cheek and set her down. "Catty, Kayla, Daniela, Levia, this is Elizabeth. She's just got a record deal with Simon." Harry introduced me. "Hi." i said sheepishly. "Hi! Im Catty." Catty smiled. "Im Daniela." said daniela, a girl with long dark hair and tan skin. "Im Kayla." "and Im Livia." "AND WE ARE..... the girlfriends club." added Catty before skipping into the kitchen to raid it. I nodded. "DANIELA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Zayn screamed as he hugged her. "Hi!!!" she hugged him back. Louis put his arm around Livia as she kissed his cheek. "How bout you guys go shopping or something so that you can get to know each other better?" Liam suggested. "Why do all guys think that shopping is like, a universal bonding thing for girls?" I said as i looked at Niall. "Because it is." he replied as he pecked my cheek. "Now go! Go shop! Spend money!" Harry said as he pulled catty out of the kitchen. "But we just got here!" Livia said as we were all pushed toward the door. "we'll hang out later! Love you! Bye!" Zayn said as he shut the door behind us. " They just kicked us out." daniela said with a shoxked look on her face. "SHOPPING TIME!" Catty yelled. Oh joy. shopping time.
I HOPE YOU LIKED THIS CHAPTER. ITS SHORT BUT..... oh well. As you may or may not know, daniela, Kayla, Catty and Livia are real people. im trying to put their personalities into their characters bacause basically... they are themselves. So yeah. TANKS. i might post more later today.... and then again i might not. :I

Maybe A Little
Fiksi PenggemarElizabeth Ross. A nice girl. A little naive, too. Little does she know that fate has an interesting trip in store for her. But there are a few bumps along the way, and she's not sure she can handle them.