Chapter 5

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"Oh! So you're the new transfer everyone's been talking about? Fang, was it? I've heard a lot about you from my siblings, especially Daun there." Cahaya, the youngest sibling said as he saw Fang. He pointed a finger at Daun who only laughed nervously. Cahaya took off his glasses and approached Fang and held out his hand.

Fang shook his hand and introduced himself. Cahaya chuckled a little and told him he already knew.

Cahaya: "I told you, my brother's have said a lot about you. I'm a little surprised though. I didn't expect to be found this late, I waited 4 days, y'know?"

Fang: "you knew about that?"

Cahaya: "obviously~ Angin had barged in here to tell me after he met you. It's nice to finally meet you Fang."

Fang: "nice to meet you to"

Air stirred a little and sat up. He saw Fang and gave him a tired wave.

Air: "good afternoon Fang..."

Cahaya: "we have 27 minutes left before lunch is over Air, you should hurry back to your Class or you'll be late."

Air groaned but obliged anyways. Muttering something about "...if only Api could carry me there..."

Air: "see you guys...!"

Air left them all in Cahaya's room. They all said their goodbyes and Cahaya turned to Fang.

Cahaya: "anyways, did Daun show you this place?"

Daun nodded and said "yeah!"

Cahaya: "well, just be sure NOT to tell anyone about this place. Not the teachers, not your classmates, not anyone. This place is one of the few locations at school where no one would bother us."

Daun: "you mean bother you and Petir! You guys are the most popular after all!!"

That hit Fang a little. 'RIGHT! they're the most popular at school!! Wait, but, if they're the most popular then—

Fang: "how come I haven't heard of you until recently?"

Cahaya: "hmm? Well, good question! I used a potion. The potion makes it so that your presence is extremely low. Basically making you close to being invisible. I used it on myself so no one would notice me too much at school this week."

Daun: "but, it wore out!! Now, Cahaya's hiding here until the end of school! Or else we wouldn't be able to get home without a hoard of Cahaya and Petir's fans ambushing us at the entrance!!"

Cahaya: "yeah, luckily, this place is suitable enough to use as a hideout for the time being. I wonder how Petir's doing thou—"

As if on cue, Cahaya's phone started ringing. Cahaya answered and put it on speaker.

Petir: "hey uhh... Cahaya? Can you help me out for a bit? I... need to get back to Class but..."

What sounded like Petir's voice could be heard. Fang however, didn't know which one was talking until Cahaya said his name, sighing.

Cahaya: "Petir... let me guess? A bunch of your fans surrounded you the moment you took 10 steps away from the office?"

The sound of girls talking and pushing eachother as you can hear a herd of elephants like running confirmed their suspicions.

Petir: "yeah. I need to get to class so please Cahaya..."

Cahaya: "alright! You owe me."

Petir: "2 reservations at a fancy restaurant."

Cahaya: "make it 3 and we have a deal."

Then Cahaya hung up.

Cahaya: "looks like I'll have to deal with them either way. Get ready for a fancy dinner Thorny~"

Daun's eyes sparkled and he bear hugged Cahaya.

Cahaya: "alright, alright, let me go darling~ I have to deal with a few fans."

Daun let go and Cahaya walked out the room followed by Daun pulling Fang out with him.

Throughout that whole scene, Fang was both very confused about the situation and very jealous of Cahaya and Petir's popularity.

They got out and Fang found out that the way to get out of this place was to take use a key. Not just any key though. There were a bunch of keyholes on the hatch that Fang didn't notice. Cahaya and Daun took out a key each.

Cahaya's key had his symbol shape on the back of the key. Same with Daun except it's his symbol.

Cahaya took Daun's key and used both to open the hatch.

They got out and headed for their respective classes while Cahaya went to help Petir out.

Fang went back to class and he couldn't help but think about what had happened. It sounded like a dumb made up story that he thought of when he was a kid. He couldn't process it completely. He bumped into Daun, found out there was a secret hatch in the building and finally met the youngest Boboiboy sibling



My brain was in a weird state during writing this and honestly, writing this felt like a fever dream. I have no idea what I'm doing but, I do know what I can do with this new addition. Also, the last Chapter was LONG AF so this one's short.


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