00 | prologue ; hitting the town | sunday

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~ your pov ~

Y'know, you'd think that not living in Sydney for almost fifteen years that I'd forget my way around this vast concrete jungle.

Well, you'd be correct. So here I am, on the streets of Sydney with the words, bars near me, in my Google search bar. Kinda awkward, right.

Yeah, just a little.

I peer down at my phone before glancing up again, making sure not to run into anyone, with one thought in my mind.

Why'd I leave the apartment when I could've had crappy Chinese takeout for the fifth time this week? And to be honest, I don't even know.

So, craving Mongolian lamb, I follow the directions that Google maps provides me, taking me to a bar called "Patchy's."


After showing the bouncer, who smelt of body odour and depression, that I'm over eighteen, he reluctantly lets me in.

Well, it's not my fault that I'm short. Man, everybody has got to be tall, or at least average height, these days or you're automatically twelve-years-old.

When I step in, the smell of alcohol and sweat linger in my nostrils, the scent of cigarette smoke poking at my senses at the same time.

Gee, thanks Google maps.

I stay planted in the spot that I'm stood in, until, that is, a trio of people come in.

"Are you braindead? Move!" One of them orders, so I shuffle to the side, my anxiety kicking in.

"Haha, nice one John!" The female states, clinging onto the man I presume is John.


I sit on the uncomfortable bar stool, swivelling the seat lightly.

"Can I get you anything?" The bartender asks. I look at the bartender and their apron is stained with alcoholic beverages and has facial hair sticking every which way.

"Uh, just a water, thanks." I respond, my voice hoarse.

"Are you paying now or later." The man with the scruffy beard asks.

"Uh, now." I respond, looking around my purse for a $5 note. "I'll just be a moment," I say, digging around for the pink coloured piece of plastic. I chuckle awkwardly as I keep digging through my purse.

For god's sake, it's pink – why is it so hard to find!?

"It's fine, I'll pay for it." A voice says and I look up, the man intriguing my curiosity. I assess the man's features as he assesses mine.

The first thing that captures my attention is his piercing blue eyes, like the sky. My eyes flicker to his moustache, nice and neat, framed by stubble which traces his square jawline.

My eyes flit down to his arms, showcased in his tight brown shirt.

Kinda intimidating, but, I'm gonna need holy ass water for the thoughts that Jesus wouldn't want there.

But what captures my attention the most, his most dazzling feature. His smile. His smile is so wide, and so perfect, that I just can't help but give my best, and awkward, smile back.


"Thank you," I say. "You really didn't need too," I express, motioning to the bottle that sits on the stained bar top.

"It's fine." He replies. "Hi, my name is Nathan." The man offers, holding out his hand.

I look at it, before placing my hand in his so I don't seem rude. "I'm [Y/N]."

"[Y/N]. Pretty name for a pretty girl." Nathan comments, and my face goes red.

Wow [Y/N], way to impress him.


i hope you've enjoyed the prologue for the re-write as i'm more than excited for ya'll to read it.

also, kinda going through some tough shit atm but when its sorted, i'll post the next chapter

with much love,

caoimhe x

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