09 | nine ; lufu's stream | thursday

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No matter how much I try, I can't get the smile on my face to disappear so I just let it stay there. I woke up really happy this morning, not even a drop of crippling anxiety and just a hint of paranoia. That's a good day in my eyes.

I change into a basic outfit; a cropped white shirt and a pair of high-waisted black jeans. I like the pair, and if I have to quickly run outside to go get something, I look okay. I know most people find jeans uncomfy but if I don't have to sleep in them then bring on the jeans!

Most of my pants in my wardrobe are jeans, so... that's a thing. And at least 3/4 of those are black. Black jeans go with almost everything! They're controversial. (i, personally, fucking hate jeans, i won't wear them... at all. only jean shorts – that's about it.)

Once I transferred my dirty clothes to the hamper, I go and relax on my bed. I pull out my phone and enter my password, unlocking my phone. Navigating my aesthetic home screen, I find my Twitch app. I see that Lufu is streaming so I join. It takes a moment for my internet to catch up but the stream loads in.

Lufu's chat notices and spams greetings. This makes Kath notice and she greets me before asking about my date with Cray last night. I send, '😳' and everyone spams again.

"No, I'm pretty sure they didn't sleep together last night. I would've heard it... unless they did it at her house... guys, no, I'm kidding!" Lufu exclaims, laughing furiously. I send the female facepalming emoji. Lufu laughs again and waits to be matched with people in squads.


I've been watching Lufu's stream for around 45 minutes when someone suggest that I join. Her chat goes crazy but she doesn't shoot down the idea, in fact, she seems happy with it and said it'd be less lonely streaming with someone.

That comment makes me cave and I say that I'll join. Locking my phone, I leave my bedroom and walk across the hall to my streaming set-up. I place my headphones upon my head which have my mic attached to them and enter my computer password.

I wait for my internet to finally kick in before going to Google Chrome and opening Discord which is in my shortcuts list as it's available for my 1st tier subscribers. All of the tiers get them, but my 5th tier subscribers hit the holy grail. My private Instagram account.

I don't let them tag me in stuff or mention me in stories on that account as I don't my name exposed to the entirety of the internet. It wouldn't be good. Once Discord has loaded, I call Lufu and wait for her to pick up.

She picks up and I hear her mouse clicking as she connects my audio.

"Alright, I think your audio is hooked up." I hear Lufu say.

"Ah, why thank you Lufu." I say, using a British accent.

"Why, you're most welcome [Y/N]." Lufu responds, using the same accent. (i don't know why i keep going british, maybe it's because if i said indian or smtg it'd be weird...)


'"Are y'all fucking serious!" I yell, watching as I load back into the lobby. Lufu is just laughing. "I swear to god Cray, you need to fucking stop stream sniping me." I state, gritting my teeth.

"She makes a point Cray. I feel like [Y/N] will actually rip off your balls." Lufu says, genuine anxiety in her tone.

"I'll do more than rip off his balls." I grumble, pressing start match.


(i'm writing this on the bus... help me 😅😳 imma say when i've stopped.)

"Yes [Y/N], pop off!" Lufu cheers as I make my 8th kill this game.

"Thanks Lufu. Love you." I reply, aiming down my sights to kill somebody else. The bullet leaves my sniper and I get the get the pop-up saying that I've knocked someone down. I don't pay attention to who it is.

"Aha, forget Cray. I'm all you need babygirl." Lufu flirts, laughing heavily.

"Ight babe." I respond, laughing just as hard.

(i stopped here as someone i knew got on the bus and my mind was like 😳 so that's lovely)


My phone vibrates as I just got a message. I pick it up to see whom it's from and it's none other than Cray. you killed me then called lufu babe! 🙁 that hurts. I laugh and put my phone down, harder than expected because it thumps.

"What was that?" Lufu asks.

"Just my phone. I checked it because I had a message." I say.

"Who from?" Lufu asks.

"Cray. He was jealous that I called you babe."

Lufu laughs. "Aha, better get used to it." Lufu says.

"Darn right." I respond, before laughing so loudly that I end up quickly muting my mic. I just sit there and laugh for two minutes, only because Lufu said he better get used to it.

But fuck, the feelings I have for Cray are indescribable, and I have a feeling that's they're just going to grow.


i'm sorry this took so long to get out, i had no idea what to write in this chapter and now i kinda hate it... with kinda being an understatement. also, sorry this is so short. i really did wanna make this chapter longer but i couldn't bring myself to do it.

and i know cray stream snipes [y/n] a lot but i like to think it's his way of flirting.

all my love (except the love i hold for minecraft)

- caoimhe x

mwah! 💋

god must've spent a little more time on you // crayatorWhere stories live. Discover now