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( A/N: Ah... I haven't written smut in a WHILE... first time after a few months is a charm? )

Alone Time with Jaehyun:

Today was the day you and Jaehyun were finally able to hang out together ever since Jaehyun got a new job at the studio. You guys had the whole day planned and wanted it to be the best day ever.

You walk up to Jaehyun, who is fluffing his hair in the mirror. "Hey, Jaehyun?" He turns around and smiles at you. "Yes, Y/N?" You wanted to see if you could invite Yuta to hang out with you two. "Could we invite Yuta?"

He stops fluffing his hair and furrows his eyebrow. "Why?" "Because it'd be fun! Plus, we haven't hanged out with Yuta in a while!" Jaehyun thinks. "But, we haven't had time to hang out together..." You plead. "Please?" He nods. "I guess..." You jump and text Yuta to meet you guys at the park.

You run to the door and open it. "Come on, Jaehyun." He walks out the door. He mumbles under his breath. "Let's just get this day over with." You both get into the car and drive to the park.

Moments later, and Yuta is sitting on a bench, waiting for you two. You arrive at the park and get out of the car to see Yuta. Yuta looks around then sees you. "Hey, Y/N!" You run over to Yuta and hug him. "Yuta!" Jaehyun sees you hugging him and rolls his eyes. He walks over to you and Yuta sees him. "Hey, Jaehyun." Jaehyun looks up at Yuta and raises his eyebrow.

You let go of Yuta and you see some swings. "Awesome, swings! I loved those when I was a kid." Yuta looks at you and smiles. "Same!" You both run over to the swings and get on them. Jaehyun was about to walk over there and swing with you, but there were only two swings. So, he just sits on the bench and watches.

After the park, you guys go to the boba shop Jaehyun has been talking about for weeks. You and Yuta walk in together and Jaehyun follows behind. You both go up to the counter and order. Yuta goes first. "I'll have a watermelon boba tea?" You smile. "I was going to get the same thing!" Yuta smiles. "Make that 2!" You turn to Jaehyun. "Do you want a watermelon boba-" "No." You turn around and get your boba tea.

You guys go to the movie theaters because you wanted to see this new romance movie with Jaehyun. "So, Yuta, we are going to see this romantic movie called 'White Rose'." He nods. "I wanted to see that movie too!" You smile. "Oh, I didn't know you liked romance movies!" He chuckles. "Same with you!" Jaehyun is just listening to you too and rolls his eyes.

You guys get tickets and go into the movie theater.

You guys decided to give Yuta a ride home. You and he talked the whole way and Jaehyun just sat there, quiet. You arrive at his house and he gets out of the car. "Thanks for inviting me! See ya!" You wave and smile. "See ya-" Jaehyun immediately drives away.

You guys are back at home and in the bedroom. You've noticed Jaehyun's attitude and behavior all day and you couldn't take it anymore. "Alright, Jaehyun, what is it?! Why have you been acting so weird? Why have you been so rude today, especially towards Yuta?"

Jaehyun gets up. "It seemed like you and Yuta were boyfriend and girlfriend and I was the worst third wheel." You frown. "That's probably because you weren't talking to us and you were ignoring us!"

Jaehyun gets closer to you. "Look, why did you have to invite him in the first place? Why can't we just have a day with just the two of us?" You back up. "Do you have a problem with me inviting a friend?" Jaehyun backs up and sits on the bed.

"It's just... I never have time to hang out with you. Ever since I've been working, I haven't had time just to have a single conversation with you... that's all I want..." He looks down.

You walk over to him. "I know... and I feel the same way too... but you can't just act like this... if you didn't want me to invite him, you could have just said not today?" He looks up and nods.

"Plus... we're alone now... just the two of us..." You walk over to Jaehyun and put your hands on his chest. "And, I think WE know what we can do together..." Jaehyun smirks. "What is it?" You smile. "I think it's time..." Jaehyun smiles and kisses your lips.

You kiss back and then smile. You get on the bed and lay down as he gets on top of you. He kisses your neck and you lightly moan next to his ear. He leaves a red mark and looks into your eyes.

"May I?" You nod and he takes off your shorts and throws them on the ground. He puts his hand in your panties and rubs your clit. Your moaning gets a little louder. Then, he puts two fingers inside you, pushing in and out slowly. You grip the sheets as you bite your lip. He goes back to kissing your neck and your moaning gets louder and louder.

He picks up the pace and moves in and out faster. You become a moaning mess as he's smiling at you. "Jaehyun... I'm about to cum..." He winks at you and continues, going faster.  You grip the sheets more as you felt yourself about to cum.

One more thrust and you came all over his fingers. He takes them out and licks the cum off.

He gets up and takes down his pants. You see that there's a tent in his boxers and you were curious about what's under them. He then takes his boxers off and you see his hard cock. He grabs an unopened box of condoms and grabs one. He puts it on as he put the box back in the drawers.

He gets back on the bed and looks at you. "Are you ready?" You nod. He slowly puts his cock inside you as you bite your lip again. He fully inserts it and starts thrusting back and forth slowly. You're already turning into a moaning mess again.

You look at him. "Faster..." He thrusts faster as your moan more. He leans down to kiss you as he's thrusting inside you fast. You moan in the kiss and he can feel the vibrations tracing from your mouth.

You pull back from the kiss and moan his name. "Jaehyun, I'm about to cum again..." He thrusts harder as you scream a little. "It's coming... it's coming...!" Jaehyun's groaning and thrusts faster. He thrusts one more time and you cum all over his cock.

You moan one more time and pant. He takes his cock out and takes off the condom. He lays on you and smiles. "I'm sorry, baby..." You smile and kiss his cheek. "Don't worry..." You both look at each other and smile. "Let's go clean up." He gets up and picks you up and carries you to the bathroom. "One more thing, Jaehyun." He stops walking. "Hm?" You smile. "I love you." He smiles and kisses you. "I love you too."

( OMG, I haven't written smut in a WHILE! Well, I'm back everyone. Glad to be back. Also, this will be posted on Tumblr! My Tumblr name is nxtaee. See you guys on the next part! )

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