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( A/N: Oh my goodness... I haven't update in a while! It's crazy! Welp, I'm back and ready to post more for you guys! )

( I'm making this a 2 - part because this is really long~!!! )

The Barista, Taeyong:

Finally, it's spring break. 5 days of no college and being able to hang out with your friends. Your sitting in your dorm, laying down, watching some YouTube and slowly falling asleep until you get a text message. You look to see that it's a group chat with You, Ten, and Mark. Ten texted the both of you a question.

"Hey, Y/N and Mark! Since we are on Spring Break... how about we go out for an afternoon coffee at this new cafe I found!" You click on the notification and text back to Ten. "Ten, how far is the cafe from school? I really don't feel like walking..." Ten replies immediately. "It's only like a 5 minute walk! Come on, Y/N! It's spring break! Don't you want to get out of your dorm and go outside?" You think for a little and shrug your shoulder. "I mean... I do..." You think a little more and gather your answer. "Fine, I'll go..." Mark replies. "I'll go too."

You get up from the bed and drop to the ground. You get up fast and go to your closet. What is something will scream 'It's spring time!"? You look around until you find a new dress that you've never worn. You take it off the hanger and look at it for a couple more seconds. You put it on and start to do your makeup.

As you are finishing your makeup, you get a knock at the door. You stand up and look at the door. You walk over to it and open the door to see Mark. He was wearing a black jacket, white t-shirt, and black jeans. "Hey, Y/N. Ten's waiting downstairs." You roll your eyes and smile. "Alright. I'll be down in a minute." He nods and walks downstairs. You close the door and put the last touch of makeup on and grab your coat with your phone, going out the door, downstairs.

You reach the last step and look up to see Ten and Mark, waiting for you. They both smile and look at each other. "The Princess has arrived!" Ten smiles and hugs you. You look at Mark while hugging Ten and you see him bow down to you with a chuckle.

You and Ten let go of each other as the three of you walk out the door to the coffee shop.

5 minutes later and you made it to the coffee shop. When you all walked in, you get the scent of caramel and the warm feeling. You look around, exploring the aesthetic vibe of the coffee shop. "Woah, Ten. How did you find this coffee shop?" Ten shrugs his shoulders. "I have my ways." He smiles once again and you guys go up to the counter to order.

You already knew what you were getting, a peppermint mocha. You look up at the guy to see him turned around, fixing a cup of coffee. Soon enough, he turns around and you look up at him to see his face.

Your eyes widen and you blushed instantly. You see him smile as he gives the coffee to a customer and wave as they walk away. He turns to you and look at you. He smirks at you and your blush becomes more noticeable. "Hello, I'm Taeyong. What can I get you guys?" Mark orders first. "Hey! I'll have an iced coffee, please." Ten goes next. "Caramel macchiato, please." Then, you just sit there, speechless. He tilts his head and gets a little closer to you. "Ma'am?" You jump out of your trance and get back to yourself.

You shake your head and your blush goes away. You look up at him, nervous. "I-I'll have a peppermint m-mocha... please." He smiles and writes it down. "Sure thing! I'll have the coffee ready shortly. Who's name should I put this order in?" You were about to say Ten's name, but Mark says this. "Put it in as Y/N." You look up at Mark and he smiles. "Will do!" You three nod and walk away fast. You go to a table and you put your head down.

Ten looks at you and raises an eyebrow. "Seems like someone's instantly fell in Cloud 9, huh?" You look up at him and blush. "Shut up." Mark also answers. "You couldn't even say a sentence!" You turn to Mark. "You also shut up." Ten rolls his eyes and smiles. "Come on! I know you like him!" You shake you head. "How can I already like someone who I just met. He's just a person taking my order!" Mark chimes in. "A hot person for you." Ten and him laugh a little and high five.

A few minutes later, you hear your name get called. You get up and walk over to see Taeyong with your coffee. Ten gave you the money so he didn't have to go up with you. You look at Taeyong, and hand him the money. "Here." He takes the money and gets your receipt. Before he hands you the receipt, he writes something down on it. He hands it to you with a wink. You blush, take it, and you put it in your pocket. Mark and Ten notice and walk up to the two of you. Mark grabs his coffee and smile. "Thank you my good man!" Ten look at you them the coffee. He takes the coffee and thanks Taeyong. You nod and the three of you go back to the table. Taeyong smirks at you walking away and goes to do another order.

You all sit down back at the table and you pull out the note. Mark raises an eyebrow and looks at you. "What does it say..." You look at him and shush him. You stat to open it up slowly as Ten and Mark watch while they are sipping their coffee. You finish opening up and you read the back of the receipt. "Here's my number. Taeyong." Mark and Ten look at each other then look at you. "Whoa... are you going to text him...?" Mark tilts his head. "What- hey!" He moves back in his seat and drinks more of his coffee.

You guys finish your coffee and you're on your way to leave. You look at Taeyong to see him polishing a cup. He looks up at you and smiles. You smile and wave at him while you, Mark, and Ten walk out.

A few hours later, you're in your dorm. Your roommate Xiaojun has been out all day. You set your book down and get on your phone. You take the receipt off your desk and open it once again. You read the number off and add it into your phone. You text the number and wait for a reply. A few minutes later, you head a ding.

"Hey, Y/N. It's Taeyong."

Part two coming soon!

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