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( Ah! I'm back to write another smut! I haven't written one in a while! Luckily, school is over and I have more time to myself! )

( Also, this part is for my friend, Glimsering! )

Words: 2.2K words

A day of tutoring your classmate, Johnny:

You just finished the Calculus class. You start to walk in the hallway to your next class until you catch a glimpse of Johnny.

Johnny's hanging out with his friends Mark and Yuta. Johnny sees you and raises an eyebrow. He smirks. "What are you looking at? Can't keep your eyes off of me, I see?" They all laugh and look at Johnny. "Shut up, Johnny." He puts his hands up while Mark and Yuta raise their eyebrows.

"Woah! Why so disrespectful? I was just speaking!" You shake your head and glare at him. "You weren't. You're just being a bitch." Johnny rolls his eyes and shrugs his shoulders. "You're just a little sensitive, my girl!" "Whatever. And, I'm not your girl." You start to walk away and Johnny continues speaking.

"See you in Physics, my girl!" They all laugh and high-five each other!

You like Johnny, but you hate the way he's disrespectful towards others. You don't even bother telling him that you like him because he probably won't like you back. 

It's 4 periods after and you are going to your History class. You sit down at your desk and wait. It looks as if everyone is here. The bell rings and your professor walks in. He closes the door. "Good afternoon class. Today, we'll be learning about-" Next thing you know, Johnny walks in. "Mr. Suh. You're late." You turn to see Johnny and he brushes it off. "Yeah yeah! It was just like 5 seconds." Your professor sighs. "Just please, sit in your seat," Johnny smirks and sits in his seat, which is behind yours.

He puts his feet behind your chair and lays back on his, watching the teacher start to pass out papers. You shake your head and set it down as your professor hands you and him a paper. But, you noticed that all the papers were faced down.

He walks back to his desk and looks at everyone. "Please flip over your papers." Everyone flips them over to see a pop quiz. Ugh's and boos fill the room as you nod. Johnny crumbles up his test and throws it. "Trash!" The professor glares at him. "That's a zero, Johnny." "And! See if I care!"

You mumble to yourself. "Ugh, why can't he just shut his mouth." You grab your pencil and start to take your test.

It's the end of the period and you're leaving the classroom. While you're walking out, you here the professor call Johnny's name. "What! What could you possibly want now?" The teacher sits down in his chair and looks at Johnny. "We need to discuss your grade in this class, Johnny. Please, take a seat." You go next to the classroom door and watch the conversation without you getting noticed.

"Johnny. Your grade in this class is an E and the school year is going to be over soon." Johnny rolls his eyes. "And? What's that supposed to mean?" Your professor sighs. "If you don't get your grade up, you would fail." Johnny looks at the teacher, he's a little shocked. "So what? I can just retake it, right?" Your professor shakes his head.

He sits back down in the seat and listens to what the teacher has to say. "There is a way for you to fix your grade. Get a tutor!" Johnny glares at the professor. "Where could I get one?" The teacher thinks. "I could have the smartest student of this class tutor you." "And, who would that be?"The professor thinks for a little bit and then comes up with an answer. "That would be Y/N." You heard your name and immediately was in shock.

"What!? " Johnny sees you and stands up. "Y-you!?" The teacher smiles. "Ah, Y/N. Would you consider helping Johnny with his grade in this class?" You shake your head. "Pfft, no!" Johnny looks at you and begs! "Please! I need to pass this class!" You think for a little and finally, consider. "Fine... I'll tutor... Johnny." The teacher claps quietly and smiles. "Great! Thank you, Y/N! You two are dismissed now."

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