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( A/N: Ah~! I'm back everybody! Welcome to the first Throwback Wednesday! For this part, I will be going back to one of my first parts of my NCT SMUTS book! And if you remember, that was the part "mark -- shower"! I haven't really been in the writing good, but ever since school started, I've started to write more! So, let's get back! )

( Also, a disclaimer. Y/N does take birth control! )

Words: 1.4K words

Showering with Mark Lee:

You and Mark are sitting on the couch, watching some Netflix as you are dosing off in his arms. He looks at you and notices your eyes slowly shutting, and you falling asleep. He grabs the remote, pausing the show, and calls your name quietly. "Y/N?" You don't respond the first time, so he decides to call your name again. "Y/N...?" This time you wake up and look at him. "H-huh..? Yes, Mark?" He smiles a little. "Are you tired?" You shake your head a little. "No... I'm not... tired..." You yawn as he chuckles a little. "Should we go to bed?" "No... I want to stay up..." He nods. "Fine. But if I notice you falling asleep again, we're going to go to bed. You can't stay up all night." He smiles and you nod. "Alright... I won't fall asleep anyways..." He raises an eyebrow and kisses your cheek. "That's what you say." He unpauses the show and you both continue to watch it.

A few hours pass and you're half asleep again in Mark's arms. Mark looks down at you to see your eyes drifting off again. He raises an eyebrow and checks the time, seeing that it is 2:30 AM. He looks back at you and slowly caresses your head as you wake up a little. "Hm?" Mark smiles. "I see that you almost fell asleep..." You get up slowly. "No, I didn't... I was watching the show..." "Oh really? What show are we watching now?" You think and can't figure out. "The... The... I don't know..." He chuckles and gets up, picking you up and turning off the TV. "Come on, let's go upstairs... It's already 2:30 in the morning." You sigh as he walks you upstairs to the bedroom.

He enters the room and sets you down on the bed, softly. He smiles at you and thinks for a little. He looks at the bathroom door and decides that he's going to take a late-night shower. He turns back at you and asks you something. "I'm going to take a shower. Care to join?" You wake up a little more with a blush. He's never asked you something like that. "Sure... Why though?" He smirks. "Because. I know you, Y/N. You're going to be asleep almost all morning. Least we can do is freshen up before we sleep." You nod. "You're right." You put your hand out as he grabs it and gets you up from the bed. You both walk to the bathroom, with him closing the door.

Mark goes over to the shower and turns in on as you start to get undressed. Mark turns to see you almost naked and blushes. You turn to him and blush. "Stare much?" He gets out of the trance and shakes his head. "Oh! Sorry!" He turns away from you and starts to get undressed as well, as you turn around slowly and watch him get naked. He turns around as you look away and he smirks. "Stare much?" You giggle a little. "Not at all..." You both finish getting undress and turn to look at each other, naked. The most you've seen is just you both in underwear, but not like this. You've both been together for 2 years though.

Mark opens the shower door and walks in the shower with you, closing it slowly. You both stand there and look at each other, with you blushing and Mark smirking a little. You both just let the water get on the both of you. You look down below his waist and blush. You whisper to yourself. "Big..." He hears you and raises an eyebrow. "Excuse me?" He smirks. "What did you just say?" You shake your head. "Nothing!" His smirk gets bigger. "Tell me." You shake your head again. "Tell me!" "Fine!" You blush and look down, mumbling your words. "You're big..." "What?" You look up, closing your eyes and yelling. "You're big!" He blushes hard as you cover your face. He gets close to you and picks up your chin. "I'm big, eh?" You nod fast and look away with your eyes. He gets close to your ear and whispers in it. "Let me show you how big it is." Your eyes widen as he moves to your lips, kissing them.

You shut your eyes slowly, kissing back as he pushes you again the shower wall and kisses you more. You feel his hands move down to your thighs as we pick them up and holds them as you wrap your arms around him, kissing deeper. He moves from your lips to your neck, starting to kiss and suck on it as you moan in his ear. He smirks on your neck and continues sucking on different parts, leaving red and purple marks all around it, while your moaning louder in his ear. He pulls back and looks into your eyes. It's like he caught you with his eyes and isn't letting you go.

He rubs your thighs and you both can't stop staring in each other's eyes. He starts speaking and it's like his eyes are doing the talking. "Do you mind if I do this?" You nod fast and blush. "Yes... please..." He smirks and looks down at your thighs again, lifting them and resting them on his shoulders as you still hold onto him. His member, hard as a rock. He takes it, stroking it gently as he starts to slide it in you. You moan slightly as he starts to thrust inside of you. You throw your head back, resting it on the shower wall as he picks up his pace. You look down at him, all wet, groaning a little, and biting his lip. "Y-you're so tight..."

You moan a little louder and his thrusts get harder. His wet hair moves a little with every thrust as your moaning louder, filling the shower with your sounds, even over the running water. Mark speeds up, going faster every thrust, his groans getting louder, and him reaching his point. You continue moaning, practically screams. You feel a knot grow in your stomach as you feel himself start to throb inside of you. "M-Mark...! I-I feel like I'm about to cum..." You moan louder as he's pounding you. "M-me too!" He keeps pounding you, both of you moaning and groaning aloud. "I-it's coming... It's coming...!!" He goes as fast as he can until he cums inside of you as you cum all over him.

He stops and takes himself out of you as you let out the last moans, catching your breath. He sets you down and you fall a little to the ground. He immediately helps you up and holds you, grabbing soap and a cloth. "Now, let's actually take a shower. Let me clean you off" You smile and watch as he washes you off. Mark cares about you a lot. He wants the best for you and wants to be here for you to help you, support you, and make sure that you're okay. He's the best boyfriend in the world.

You both clean up and get out of the shower, going back into the room, and getting dressed, ready for bed. You both get in the bed and Mark checks the time, seeing that it is 3:00 AM. He yawns as you raise an eyebrow. "Seems like you're tired." You smile and he smirks. "I am..." You get close to him and nod. "Let's go to sleep now..." You hug his body as he wraps his arms around you. "Goodnight, Y/N." "Goodnight, Mark." He turns off the light. But before closing his eyes, you call his name. "Mark?" "Yes, Y/N?" You lay on his chest. "I love you." He smiles and caresses your head again. "I love you too." You both slowly fall asleep. Best. Shower. Ever.

( DAMN! THIS WAS AWESOME REWRITING THIS AGAIN! I THINK I'M GONNA LIKE THROWBACK WEDNESDAYS! Thank you for reading this! I will be back on Saturday, and this time, I'm telling the truth! I will be back with a new plot for you guys! Stay safe please! -- nctaee )

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