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So I'm here once again to disturb you all....

Aarav looked at the picture in front of him, hanging in the front wall of his cabin. The picture of Ragini and Aarav together. She is smiling broadly in that picture. "My baby" Laksh's words echoed in his mind. He afraid that, the smile on her face will fade away the day she came to face the reality and he hoped that this day won't be that fateful day.

Suddenly his cabin door opened and he found the full form of evil standing in front of him.

"Oh so Mr. Aarav is a doctor? I expected the business man's son to be a business man like his father" Swara said in a mocking tune. Aarav badly want to to punch her face which had that disgusting smrik.

"What do you want now?" Aarav asked irritated. "What else then your peace Aarav?" she said in the same tune, dragged the nearby chair towards her and placed her comfortably there. But Aarav flinched at her presence.

His and Ragini's life is going smooth now and he don't 't want that happiness of Ragini to get spoiled.

"Do you know? I achieved what you said I can't achieve. My place in Laksh's life. your Ragini can't simply get that. Even if you tried, even if you used all your influence you can't simply do that" she smiled victoriously.

"The baby whom you treated few minutes before is the bond between me and Laksh and now you loosed the battle Aarav" Swara said. Aarav's silence, swara liked that. If he was the same older Aarav her cheeks would be Red by now because of some hard slaps. But today he maintained silence.

Swara knows that Aarav is changed. He is not the same and will be never be same again. He lost everything when he lost his father. But there was the fear she once had on Aarav, hidden inside her but she was too clever to express that.

"No words to say Mr. Aarav?" she mocked him. "You know I'm enjoying your this helpless state" she added. Really she did enjoyed that Aarav's state. The man who will point a gun at her as soon as she opened her mouth is standing here silently, hearing all her nonsense talks.

"What? you devil? You are enjoying my helpless state? Joke of the year yaar" Aarav said and laughed. The Laugh made her face shrunk. The smrik, the ego, the evilness everything fsde away as a new fear crept her mind.

"You are  so happy that you got Ragini's place, isn't ? But you know what? You can never even touch her feet in any way, you bloody little demon, you are acting like you live happily with Laksh to me. Remember if I can set spies around your house. If I can spoil your life in minutes do you think it will take more than a minute for me to know your truth?" Aarav said and swara looked at him with wide eyes.

" What do you think? You became Laksh's wife because if your smartness and your mother's stupid plan ahn? "he said with a smrik and Swara started shivering.

As a matter of fact she really forgot with whom she is playing with. "Look Swara, I'm allowing you to live your life. I don't want Laksh to reenter in Ragini's life. Be careful. If you ever crossed Ragini's path once again, I warn you won't be here standing alive the next time" Aarav said and moved out of his Cabin. Swara stood there rooted. She really wanted to take revenge from Aarav but didn't have any chance to do so.

"Where is she?" swara's voice made Aarav halt.

"Why should I tell you?" he asked back.

"I don't want to cross her path anyway, so asked for information. Seriously I have no bad initiations behind that" Swara asked in an extra sweet voice.

"I'm not Laksh to believe you and when she shows herself to you get ready to die in jealous "Aarav said and moved away. Swara stamped her foot in frustration.

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