Chapter-20 Epilogue

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Hi guys here is the last part. This is going to be a small part, hope you will like this.

"everything is back to normal, so can we move from here . I want to have a good sleep" Laksh said and everyone frowned at him.

"it was good as you found about the true initations of Aparna otherwise, we couldn't have escaped this" Ragini said and Aarav nodded. "when Swara came to me and told the truth about Apsara, I doubted her but then she gave me the DNA reports and I believed her. When I asked for the reason she told me that she want a life partner who loves her and not Laksh, so I decided to include her in my team. And then everything happened according to our plan. It was swara who doubted Karthik and Apsara dig her own grave. After that I let Swara hurt Ragu so that Karthik will believe her and he like a fool did what we expected to do and helped us "Aarav said and Ragini hugged swara.

" i thought you hate me, but you helped me this much."Ragini said." indo hate you, but... Once we shared beautiful bond of sisterhood and you gave my mother the place she yearned for and me my dad. This is all what I can do for that "swara said and hugged her back.

" As the sisters united am I an outcast now? "Laksh asked making puppy faces.

" Awww "Ragini said and went near him.

" Aarav shall we go home I want to meet by babies " Amrita said and Aarav hugged her.

Five years later.

" Ragini what the hell are you doing come on, your daughter is pulling my hairs " Laksh shouted.

" what my daughter? Hello, she is exact corban copy of you. She is doing what you taught her" Ragini shouted back. And the little child looked at each other and started running.

"Riya stop" Ragini said and tried to stop her but she escaped.

"oh God" both of them said and slapped their own head.

"my dear hubby, her ready to face the consequences" Ragini said "you too wifey, by this time your daughter would have submitted her complaint to her pyarrri uncle and we will hear a shout now" before Laksh could complete Aarav called them form the downstairs.

Both Laksh and Ragini stood before Aarav who is glaring at them now. They both looked at each other and bend their head down.

"who shouted on front of Riya" Aarav asked.

"Laksh" "Ragini" they both said each other's name at the same time.

"who shouted first" Aarav asked and Ragini pointed Laksh with a smile.

"how many times I should tell you not to shout infront of Riya, she got scared. Be mature guys........" he started his lecture and both Apsara and Athira laughed.

"This is not going to stop na, dad is always advising Laksh uncle and Ragini Aunty like they are LKG kids" Aarav's son Advik who is a year elder to Riya said and both sisters laughed at him.

"You don't know, before Riya wwas born it was only Laksh uncle who gets advices but now Ragini Aunty added to the list and this will never stop" they said and laughed looking at the scene their dad was creating for a simple thing.

Riya was playing in the playground with other kids and Raglak Amrita and Aarav was sitting in the benches.

One little boy of her age approached Riya. "hey you look beautiful "that little boy said to Riya.

Advik who saw this came near Riya and pushed that boy away.

" stay away form her "Advik said." who are you to say that "that boy asked.

" I'm her mama paiyan(uncle's son), don't dare to look at her. If you did then I will samash you "that little Advik said fisting his little palms

Ragini and Laksh who saw this laughed." seems like history is repeating itself " Laksh said." Haan " Ragini siad and they both hugged each other.

Sorry for the silly epilogue, this is all I managed to come up with. Hope you guys will like this.

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