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A stag's ears twitch as it senses an unusual presence, like a discord in the sweet harmony of nature's silence, in amongst the vast trees and mist of Prynn Forest, which has an innocence that the rest of Prynn has lost over the years

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A stag's ears twitch as it senses an unusual presence, like a discord in the sweet harmony of nature's silence, in amongst the vast trees and mist of Prynn Forest, which has an innocence that the rest of Prynn has lost over the years.

Around one hundred metres away, the thud of an arrow finding its mark can be heard as it lodges into an oak tree. 

Frantically, birds fly up from the trees, as Queen Carina practises her shooting with her new bow and arrows. She smirks as she shoots down one of the flying starling birds, the killing of the bird wasn't necessary but its life was taken so swiftly as Carina used it for target practise while using her new bow and arrows. Turning around, Carina admires her bow.The bow is beautiful and is a smart jet black, except from the small lines of silver in the middle of the ebony wood. The arrows match the beauty of the bow, except the arrowhead is silver and the feathers at the end are silver. 

They are a present from Andrea for her eighteenth birthday; one of the only gifts that isn't poisonous. But she loves the bow and arrows nonetheless, they are both sophisticated and beautifully deadly like a poisoner.

Archery is one of the only skills of weaponry that poisoners learn, particularly the Arrons as it is easier to hunt or kill from a distance and undetected, much like how the poisoners poison. They do not like any of the sword clashing or knife throwing that the war gifted crave, no that is far too close and brutal. It has none of the refined manner, none of that slick stealth that poisons and archery possess - the perfect weapons for quick clean assassinations and wicked espionage. When she is crowned she will ensure she has the best archers and warriors on Fennbirn, then no countries will dare challenge her.

Carina herself has grown quite skilled over the years after her archery instructor - a war gifted Beaulin woman - taught her well. After all, it doesn't hurt to be skilled in killing that doesn't just involve poisons. And there is something satisfying about hunting and slaughtering prey, it tests her mind in a new tactical manner that doesn't just involve slipping poisons into glasses undetected. This involves tracking, precision and skill.

Carina sighs, a little disappointed. Adrion and Silas were going to accompany her on a hunt but Octavia suddenly dragged them away on 'important business', though Carina has no doubt that Octavia only meant to spoil her day. Selfish brat. Carina knows for a fact Octavia was spoiled growing up, she gained all of the privilege of being an Arron without having to take on any real responsibility since she wasn't the heir.

Carina sighs again and strokes the white mark on Eclipse's head, while admiring the rest of the black Arabian stallion and her beautiful white blonde mane and tail. So rare and shipped from the mainland as a gift for her seventeenth birthday a year ago. Andrea loves to spoil her but at least Carina understands the weight of responsibility she carries - unlike Octavia. She can not afford to be both weak and spoiled, it is not a good combination for a queen.

Later she ties Eclipse to a nearby tree and leaves to hunt, Carina puts her bow over her shoulder and starts following fresh deer footprints made in the mud as she hunts for the nearby stag. She is lucky that it rained a few hours ago, it makes tracking a lot easier.

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