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Arwen has barely spent any time away from Klaude the past week

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Arwen has barely spent any time away from Klaude the past week. Every waking moment they spent in each other's arms and even beds just made them more smitten. And being with him physically hurt less and less after the first few times. And now she is beginning to enjoy herself more, enjoy being with him completely. Both emotionally and physically.

No one has found out yet and Arwen hopes Cierra doesn't especially, who knows what sort of punishment she would dish out.

But who cares? She's just enjoying herself and enjoying spending time with her lover, the person she cares about more than anyone else. Klaude Vale. How she disliked him when he first arrived, how things change when they properly got to know each other.

Perhaps Arwen is silly but suddenly their love seems fragile. It is strong yes in terms of the emotions tied to it but the more they care the more they have to lose, Cierra has told her that before. Always the same platitudes. Always the same harshness. Cierra always said it was to make Arwen strong but it made her a terrified person, anxious constantly.

But slowly Arwen is recovering. Slowly but she's doing it.

Today Arwen is going into town, a rare stroll in an outdoors place that isn't the grounds of Draven Mansion with Ebony Raduron. It is a shame that Ebony isn't her main guardian, she is certainly the nicer of the two.

Yes she is cunning as most Radurons are but she has kindness as well. Arwen has experienced that kindness and she has seen Ebony be kind to the servants and people in general. Unlike Cierra.

They walk in Tenebris Avenue today, on the dark cobblestone path of the street, overshadowed by the large buildings all around, all grand and towering over the entire city. Most of the houses are black, as is the trend with Umbra. The colour of their gifts and to set them apart from the rest of the island whose houses tended to be more white, dark red and so on. Here black isn't just for queens, it is also to pay homage to the shadow gift itself.

These houses are ancient as the rest of Umbra tended to be, still clinging to their aristocracy and the power that came with being independent from the rest of the island for Umbra is a city that never depended on the island as much as the others. They have always been powerful and in many old shadow families' eyes, like the Radurons, the Havens, the Valkova's - superior to the rest.

"Thank you for getting me out of the house," Arwen says as she and Ebony slowly reach the section of the Avenue where the shops and markets begin, where more people begin to appear. Merchants and the like.

It is dusk now, the city is beginning to come alive. Any naturalist and elementals permitted to live in Umbra on account of their specific trade/skill set simply had to adapt to the shadows culture. They preferred to be active in the early evening and the night on account of being nocturnal.

"You're most welcome my dear," Ebony replies giving her a smile. Wearing a midnight blue and black dress today, something very short sleeved paired with long black gloves.

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