15|Enjoying The Day

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-Jiraiya's Perspective-

  (Y/n) and I approached a waterfall that was settled in a forest, Naruto had trained here with me before, so I was almost certain this is where he would be. (Y/n) followed closely behind me, she hadn't really said much since we'd left to find Naruto, but I could sense she was at peace. We walked along a path that was shrouded in trees and fallen logs, careful not to trip as we maneuvered through the woods. When we emerged from the trail next to the waterfall, we found Naruto sitting and meditating at the waters edge. The sun was sinking further and further below the horizon, a warm orange light flooded through the treeline and reflected off the water's surface. I looked back towards (Y/n) to find her admiring the scenery, she looked mesmerized. The sunset was beautiful, but to me she was even more stunning.

  Naruto didn't even seem to notice us approaching, he was just meditating with his eyes shut, paying little attention to his surroundings. I walked up next to him and sat down, careful not to distract him.

  His eyes squinted open and he turned his view away from the setting sun, "Oh, hey Pervy Sage, where have you been?" He asked as he tried to adjusting to the light.

  I patted him on the back, "I've just been with (Y/n), enjoying the day, you know, that kinda stuff." I said as I gave him a friendly wink. He squinted at me suspiciously, and it wasn't because his eyes weren't adjusted to the light this time.

  Naruto scoffed and rolled his eyes, "Pervy Sage, knowing you, 'enjoying the day' means that you did something perverted."

  I averted my gaze and replied merely with "pfft." My cheeks felt a bit warm, but I wasn't about to let what happened between (Y/n) and I slip.

  (Y/n) walked over to where we were sitting and took her place next to me.

  "Hey (Y/n)!" Naruto beamed at her, I watched as a smile formed onto her face.

  "Hey Kiddo, how has your day been?" She asked curiously. Naruto rambled on and on to her, but I wasn't really paying much attention, I was looking at (Y/n). Her smile made me feel butterflies, and I couldn't help but smile too. She listened intently to everything Naruto was saying, nodding her head from time to time in agreement.

  The sun had almost completely gone down, and it was getting difficult to see. "We should probably start heading back now, it's getting dark," I said as I observed the sky, "Naruto, tomorrow I'll start training you more thoroughly. The third exam is approaching and we need to make sure you'll be ready." I began to stand up from my spot next to the water. Naruto nodded excitedly and jumped up onto his feet. I offered my hand to (Y/n), she accepted my gesture and I pulled her up. It reminded me a lot of what had happened the other day. I blushed as we started back towards the path, I wonder if (Y/n) had thought the same thing.

  As we walked further and further from the waterfall, the sounds of splashing became muffled. Naruto was energetic as usual, running and leaping around, occasionally slowing down a bit and walking along side us. When we made it back to town however, he sprinted ahead, leaving (Y/n) and I alone in a cloud of his dust.

  "He's sure in a hurry, I wonder where he's off to." I asked as his silhouette disappeared from view.

  "Seems like he's headed towards Ichiraku," (Y/n) replied, chuckling slightly, "for as long as I've known him, he's always loved that stuff." She recalled, a faint smirk gracing her lips.

  I smiled at her response, "you know, now that you mention it, how did you meet Naruto anyways? I don't know much about your past.." I said looking at my feet, I didn't want to seem like I was prying, but I really wanted to know more about (Y/n). She hadn't talked much about past now that I thought about it, and judging by her facial expression, I could tell it pained her to think about.

I'll probably write another chapter tomorrow, I want to add a bit of back story to (Y/n), nothing too tragic of course, just something to help you get a bit more immersed in the story! :)
Sorry for any typos or if the sentences seem kind of off, I've been pretty out of it today and found it a little difficult to write for some reason :P

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