16|Long Story

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-(Y/n)'s Perspective-

  "You know, now that you mention it, how did you meet Naruto anyway? I don't know much about your past.." Jiraiya said, he was starring at the ground like it was the most fascinating thing he had ever seen.

  I frowned a little, I couldn't help but feel a sinking pain in my gut. I try not to think about how things were when I was younger much, it can be difficult for me to recall. Jiraiya looked back up at me and observed my expression.

He spoke softly and apologetic, "I'm sorry (Y/n), I didn't mean to-" I cut him off before he could finish his apology.

  "No it's alright, really. I trust you, I don't mind telling you." I said as I began to walk towards a park bench below a street light. The light it gave off was bright white and had collected quite a crowd of moths. The moth's wings hummed they attempted to get closer to the source, their efforts were futile though, not surprisingly. I sat down on the bench and slid over so Jiraiya would have room to sit with me. He glanced up at the moths hesitantly before he plopped beside me.

  He reached his hand over towards mine and held it in his firm grip. He didn't say anything, he was waiting for me to say something first.

  "The way I met Naruto, huh? That's a surprisingly long story actually..."

-Young (Y/n)'s Perspective-

  "(Y/n)? (Y/n) come back inside, your brother is home!" I heard my mother shout to me from across the field. We lived on a small farm at the edge of the hidden leaf village, it wasn't impressive and we certainly didn't make much money from our labor, but we were happy.

  "Coming mom!" I shouted back excitedly. I loved my brother with my whole heart. He was a shinobi, The strongest one there ever was! I ran as quickly as my feet could take me, back towards the little wooden home that stood in the center of the fields.

  I wasnt watching where I was going, I just wanted to see my brother. When I reached the first step, I lost my footing and fell right on my face. It hurt. I could taste the blood trickling down from my nose. I glanced up to see my brother, he looked down at me seemingly concerned and offered me his hand, I accepted it immediately of course and he brought me to my feet again.

  "Woah kiddo, are you okay?? Here.." He said as he wiped the blood from my face with a dish cloth. I felt so clumsy.

  "Of course I'm okay! It doesn't hurt at all!" I lied, I didn't want my brother to think I was weak, I wanted to be strong just like him.

  He chuckled lightly as he wiped the rest of the blood from off my face, "you're so stubborn sometimes, you know that (Y/n)?"

  I pouted for a moment, pretending to be offended. My facade didn't last very long though, because he had picked me up and was spinning me around.

  "Ahhh put me down!" I giggled as he spun me around. My mother emerged from one of the other rooms, laughing at the scene before her.

  "I'm glad to have children that get along so well." She admitted in a loving manner. My brother set me down gently, ruffling my (h/c) hair teasingly.

  He flashed her a cheesy grin, I copied his grin and pulled on his sleeve a bit. He glanced down at me, "what is it (Y/n)?" He asked as I stopped tugging.

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