Chapter 15

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Skylar's p.o.v

It was now April. Any day now we should be figuring out what colleges or universities we were accepted into. I have been working a lot of extra shifts at the diner. If I get into NYU it is going to be expensive. Not just the school but also the cost of living in Manhattan. Of course I have my moms inheritance money and my dad might have saved up a bit of money but I want to do as much as I can on my own. The bell rang which meant 3rd period was over. Calum and I went to our lockers to grab our stuff before heading to my car.

Calum: So I have something to tell you.

Skylar: What is it?

Calum: So I applied to 3 different schools and got into all of them!

Skylar: Congratulations Cal! What states are they in?

Calum: California, New York and Pennsylvania.

Skylar: Which one are you going to pick?

Calum: I don't know yet. I know you want to get into NYU. I want to be close to you.

Skylar: Babe you should pick based off which school is better. 

Calum: I know. I just can't imagine spending that much time away from you.

Skyler: We can always call, text and Skype.

Calum: Yeah but even with Skype I would miss being here with you.

When we got home I said goodbye and watched as he walked to his house. I walked inside and got my uniform since I worked tonight. Once I was finished getting ready I drove to work.


It was now 6:00. I was surprised when I saw Calum and his dad walk in. Last time Calum was here with family his parents were getting a divorce.

Jillian: Hey Skylar i'm giving you table 12.

She was smiling at me like she was accomplishing something so I looked over to table 12. Of course it was Calum's table and she knew that.

I grabbed 2 menus and when I looked up I saw a lady and what I assumed to be her 2 kids walk into the restaurant. They sat down at the table with Calum and his dad. Well something was going to happen and it wasn't going to go well. I grabbed 3 extra menus and walked up to their table. By the look on Calum's face I could tell he was in pure shock.

Calum: Why does everything that is shit in my life happen in this stupid restaurant?

I took their orders and then went back to the counter. The counter was out of view from their table so I texted Calum.

Skylar: Hey what's going on?

Calum: My dad has a new girlfriend and she apparently has 2 kids. I don't know why my family thinks going out in public is a great way to break news to me.

Skylar: I'm at the counter if you want to talk.

A few seconds later Calum came up to the counter and took a seat at the bar stool.

Skylar: So I guess you are getting a new step sister and brother. 

Calum: I guess so. 

Skylar: What do you know about them yet?

Calum: The woman's name is Beth Turner. She has a 12 year old son named Blake and a 7 year old girl named Blaire.

Skylar: When Lyla and Harlow started living with us it was a mess!

Calum: I wonder when that's going to happen.

Skylar: Well they aren't even engaged yet so don't worry about it. Plus we will be gone by August.

Calum: You're right. I have to go back to the table now.

He kissed me and then walked back to their table.


It was 8:00 and I just got off work. I said goodbye to everyone at the diner and then drove home. Once I was in the house I went to the kitchen and heated up left over spaghetti that was in the fridge. The microwave beeped a minute later when my food was done my dad walked into the kitchen.

Ethan: Hey.

Skylar: Hi.

Ethan: How was work?

Skylar: It was good.

Ethan: So I went to the post office today to pick up the mail. This came in for you.

My dad handed me the envelope and I looked to see where it was from. It was a letter from New York University.

Skylar: I will be right back!

I put my shoes on and ran over to Calum's house. I knocked on the door and waited for someone to answer. It was Calum's dad.

Skylar: Hi David I need to see Calum.

David: He is upstairs.

Skylar: Thanks.

 I ran up the stairs of their house to Calum's room. I opened his door and walked in.

Calum: Hey!

Skylar: My letter came in!

Calum: Did you get in?

Skylar: I haven't opened it yet. I wanted to do it with you.

Calum: Ok open it!

I ripped the top of the envelope and pulled out the piece of paper inside. I unfolded it and started reading.

Calum: So what does it say?

Skylar: I got in!

Calum: Well I guess we are going to Manhattan together!

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