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Y'all ain't ready
(another double update cos i have nothing to do and i'm so excited, don't judge me)

"Oh, Thirteen, Christ, look at you."


"Don't Joyce me now. What the hell's happened to you?"

"He died."

That last remark came from Steve, who'd been acting as Thomas' personal crutch ever since they'd heard Hopper's voice booming through the mall and had had to make their way back down to the food court. Now, Thomas unwound his arm from Steve's shoulders and smacked his arm, then limped forward to hug Joyce, trying not to wince at the pain in his side.

"Don't listen to him," he muttered, pulling her close.

"You died?" she repeated shrilly, no doubt still looking at Steve's slouched grin.

"I just said, don't listen to him," he repeated, pulling back. He gripped her shoulders and held her at arm's length with a smile. "I'm okay, really, mom."

He didn't realise what he'd said until she'd leapt back into his arms, seizing his face and planting a kiss on his forehead, his nose, each of his cheeks, and all four all over again. Behind him, Jonathan was laughing as he approached, ready to greet her himself -- and luckily saving Thomas for the time being.

"Is that my shirt?" Hopper said gruffly from behind him, and he turned to see Hopper in the most uncharacteristic shirt he'd ever seen: a Hawaiian blue and pink button up.

"Is that my shirt?" he joked. "Wanna swap? They both seem to have the same amount of blood, so it's fair..."

Hopper rolled his eyes and tugged him into a one-armed hug. Very manly -- and Thomas was thankful for it. On the side with the burns, he could hardly move his arm without wanting to scream. But the hug, despite being so minimal, was filled with warmth and comfort, and even though it was supposed to be distant Thomas could hear Hopper sniffling just a little bit.

          "Good to see you, Chief," he said when he pulled away.

          Hopper slapped his shoulder, and moved away to talk to Joyce; once he passed, Thomas could see straight through to the KFC under the upstairs balcony, where Steve had, in the meantime, gone and sat on the counter and was playing with a wooden spoon he'd found.

✓ | 3. soldier, soldier, spy [STEVE HARRINGTON]Where stories live. Discover now