Rollercoaster That Is Life

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Push, fight, harder!

Her fist slammed against the black punching bag that loomed above her small frame like a giant. Her puny fists could just barely punch as hard as her Father was pushing her. Sweat droplets fell from her forehead, blood lining up her knuckles, and her legs were red from all the kicks she was giving it. But still her Father continued shouting, screaming, urging her to go forth. The small girl let out a whimper when she felt her muscles tightening inside her body, her limbs ached with pain.

"WHAT WAS THAT?!" He shouted in her ear. The sound ricocheted off of the gym walls and installed fear within her heart. She quietly mumbled nothing and continued to kick and jab the obstacle. He stopped her. Her eyes were glassy from tears and her tough facade was slowly deteriorating." We don't show signs of fear. . .TO ANYONE!" she visibly flinched from his enraged voice. Father didn't like that. On impulse he raised a tight fist to young girl who was on the brink of crying. She tried to back away but it only spurred him on, feeding the monster already inside of him, and with a powerful fist he -

"Ahh! No!" Jamie screamed as she woke up from another one of her nightmares. Panting loudly, she swore to herself before lying her head back unto her pillow, and forced her body to make any sort of movement to her bathroom. She hated mornings with a burning passion, but if she fell asleep once again she'd be the star of her own nightmare again. Her decision was soon made when her bladder decided wake up also and she raced to the bathroom.

Jamie felt a strong headache coming on as she sat on the bathroom toilet. All the things she had to do, all the chores that needed to be done, and all of the people she needed to see. Just thinking about it gave her cramps and a migraine. You know why? Because Jamie wasn't actually doing chores as in the kind you do around your house, but the kind that could possibly get you in a heap of trouble with the government and police officials.

To say she was just another normal twenty-two year old would be the understatement of the century. With her hair styles that changed more than the weather, advanced computer skills that could put the greatest hackers to great shame, and punches strong enough to injure adult men, she was anything but the word normal and she embraced it the best way she could. Her Father taught her these things for a specific reason, and although she didn't appreciate it before, she thanks him now despite all of the horrible things he brought upon her. With a deep sigh, she found the strength to get up, flush the toilet, and wash her calloused hands.

From the outside you would never expect this girl to be who she actually is. Her chestnut coloured hair gave off a friendly vibe, but her green eyes shined with despair - something she hid skillfully. She wasn't slender like most women, and she wasn't going to pretend like she was. Years of training and hard work has definitely done a toll on her now athletic body. Her muscles weren't obnoxiously huge, and you could probably only see them when she flexed, but it still made her look like a gymnast. Her face structure was subtle to say the least, but she's always hated her small butt chin that loved to make appearances when she smiled.

Again, she isn't normal, but she isn't perfect either.

After an hour of showering and getting dressed for the day her phone rang for the first time since last week. That meant trouble, that meant chores, that meant a mission. After two more rings she picked up. "What is it, Michael?" she asked sourly. The males voice chuckled on the other end before speaking again.

"No greeting today, sweetheart? Okay. I have some interesting news today." Michael said without details. Jamie waited for him to finish only to be greeted by silence from the other end.


"And you're not going to enjoy this one, sweetheart." Michael warned Jamie.

"When do I ever enjoy this? Just tell me who it is." She ordered him while struggling to get into her already tied leather boots.

"It seems like someone is making their way across the country stealing identities. The suspect is almost always a male and likes to swipe people's money from their bank accounts. My clue is that he's a hacker. He knows all of these people's pin numbers to take money out of their account and into his - which is still unknown. He just got out of Cali and sources say he's heading straight to Oregon." Michael explained. With wide eyes she shot up in surprise. PAD agency never has sources before.

"What kind of sources? Is there anyone on the inside?" Jamie asked carefully. This would seriously make her job ten times more easier. Michael sighed knowingly.

"This is the part you're not going to like. According to our PD scanner, it appears that the guy isn't alone, but following a famous tour bus." Jamie froze in spot. Please say Green Day, please say Green Day, Jamie chanted in her mind.

"We're afraid that he's apart of the crew for the band -"

GREEN DAY, Jamie shouted in her mind.

"One Direction." Michael stated with a smirk. Jamie's hopes and dreams to meet her favorite band faster than you could say 1D. Her end of the phone stayed silent as she silently cursed whoever gave her this mission. It wasn't that she disliked the boys, in all actuality she has their songs stuck in her head every week. She just doesn't fancy the outrageous amount of attention that they get. Makes her job a lot more difficult.

"Have fun in Oregon with your new best friends." Michael said teasingly. Her face grew red with anger.

"I have to become their friend?! That's impossible, Michael! They're going to laugh in my face and then walk away and I'm not going to humiliate myself for the agencies standards." She snarled through the phone.

"Too bad, sweetheart. It's the only way to remain on the inside since their security is so high. Just be your charming self, show some cleavage, don't act like a bitch and you should be good." Michael said before hanging up and abruptly ending the conversation.

"Kill me." Jamie murmured as she fell back unto her bed.

Meet Jamie Monroe, an underground killer, and bounty hunter.

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