Chapter 12

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I miss you already, Cain's voice infiltrated my mind not even two minutes after he got into his SUV with Lucas and the few other Blood Lake warriors that accompanied us here to go back to our pack.

I scoffed. Clingy much?

I swear I could hear his eyes rolling through the mindlink as he scoffed, Watch the attitude, pup. You have no idea how close I am to turning this car around and dragging you back to Blood Lake.

What? I asked, sarcasm flooding my tone. You? Forcing me to go back to Blood Lake with you? Haven't had that happen a billion times already, I smarted off, referring to the many times I escaped in the early days of our relationship, and of course, all of the times he dragged me back.

Seriously, Ares. I don't like leaving you in a foreign pack for this long. I might as well just hand you off to Wilson myself. I could hear the worry in his tone.

We've already been over this, Cain. Exasperation clouded my voice. I'm so bored with this conversation, I may go into the woods just to kill a rogue to feel something.

God, you sound just like Thane. Cain muttered in disapproval. Go train Onyx, we'll talk later.

I rolled my eyes. Can't wait.

What I actually am excited for is getting to train Thane's mate. Much to Cain's dismay, I woke up bright and early to get dressed. I wore my favorite training gear: black leggings, a black sports bra, and my black coat covering all of it up. It was much warmer in Blue Moon than Blood Lake, but I didn't exactly feel comfortable parading around in my scars just yet. Unfortunately, I forgot to bring my mask.

Seeking out Thane, I went to his office. As always, he was hunched over his desk looking intently at the paper in front of him.

I hit my hand on the outside of the door hard, making a loud bang. I was hoping that he would be startled and maybe jump out of his seat a little bit, but he just responded without looking up from his papers, "For the last time, you don't scare me, Reaper."

I rolled my eyes. He would never let me live down that he knew I was the rogue hunter that murdered hundreds of wolves.

I sat in the chair from him expectantly, waiting for him to talk. Irritatingly, he just continued looking at the papers. I even coughed to try to get his attention, which he didn't react to.

I grabbed a pen off of his desk, smirking as I uncapped it. With lightening speed, I threw the pen, aiming for his eye.

He caught it with about a millimeter to spare. He raised an eyebrow. "Use your words, Ares."

I couldn't help the chuckle that came out of my mouth. Thane is probably one of the only people that actually is able to make me laugh. Probably because we both were incredibly sarcastic and sadistic.

"Speaking of- well, you're not speaking of, but you know what I mean-" I rolled my eyes at his second dig at me within seconds. "He's here."

My eyebrows furrowed in confusion, but he was right, someone was here. I could sense someone approaching the door, and there was a gentle knock.

"Come on in, Milton," Thane spoke, and the door opened to reveal a small elderly man carrying a large medicine bag.

"Milton, this is the Blood Luna, Ares," Thane introduced us. I shook the old dude's wrinkly hand, and even though all I could think was: God, this is one. old. dude.

"It's an honor to meet such an extraordinary young woman," The old man smiled, and his eyes twinkled. "You are a very good match for the Blood Alpha." His eyes narrowed as he said that, as if he was analyzing me.

I nodded once. This was one reason why I was thankful I can't talk. What the hell am I supposed to say to that? Old people can be so weird, what with their "wisdom" or whatever it is the hell people say about the geriatric f*ckers.

"Milton is here to make a potion that can give you a mindlink between Blue Moon pack members and you, and another potion that will do the same for you and Nyx," Thane explained.

I nodded. That was a smart idea. It would have been pretty hard for me to communicate with them otherwise, but I had originally just planned on using my fists.

The old man fumbled through his bag and pulled out a small bowl, random herbs, and a knife, which made me raise my eyebrows in interest.

He hummed as he seemingly randomly threw herbs into the bowl and mixed them with a mysterious liquid from a vial. Finally, he took the knife and looked at me apologetically. "I'll need some blood, Luna."

Not a problem, I thought to myself as I summoned an extremely sharp blade. If the old man was surprised by my tricks, he didn't show it.

I sliced my palm without hesitation.

The old guy coughed. "My apologies, Luna. It may have to be a little bit deeper than that. You heal fast, and I need a lot of blood in order to do this." He shifted his weight uncomfortable.

I shrugged, running the already bloody knife along my palm again, making sure it was at least deep enough to cut through 2 centimeters worth of tissue.

The old dude winced, but held out the bowl with herbs. I held my palm over the bowl so the blood poured into it, squeezing the last of the blood out when I could feel the wound healing.

The old man stirred the blood as it began coagulating, changing words in a language I wasn't familiar with.

He split the concoction into two vials and said, "It is done. If you drink each of the vials, you will be able to communicate with Onyx and the entirety of the Blue Moon pack.

"Are you sure you don't need me to cut her up a little bit more?" Thane calles out from behind his desk, making me roll my eyes.

I quickly downed the vials, as if they were shots. Thane, if you want my blood, come and get it yourself.

Thane's face contorted in surprise. "It worked. I just heard her annoying voice myself!"

The elderly healer smiled. "Glad I could be of service, Alpha. Luna, thank you for being such a good sport."

I chuckled inwardly. If only the old geezer knew how insignificant such a small wound to me was.

He packed up his medicine bag, but before leaving, he grabbed me by my forearm and said, "Ares. I am very glad you ended up with Alpha Cain."

I squinted my eyes as I tried to analyze his words. What did he mean by that? It's not like it is a random act that I am mates to Cain. The Moon Goddess hand-selects every pair of mates.

The old man scurried out of the room as I looked at Thane, my head tilted in confusion.

Don't ask me, he said, using our newfound bond and answering my unspoken question. You know how old people are.

Hi guys.
Thank you all for your patience. Your support really does mean a lot to me as I try to work through writers block just to put out one chapter.
I hope everyone is safe during this time and is being responsible with practicing social distancing. Remember that you are not only liable for your health, but the health of others.
As always, if anyone wants to talk (literally about anything; I'm always interested in what you have to say), feel free to private message me.
I hope you enjoyed the chapter and I am so excited to put out another. I don't really think anyone is ready for the direction I have decided to take the story in.


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