Chapter 53

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I blink twice, partially from the copious amounts of light obfuscating my vision, and partially because I try to gauge the merit of his words. Obviously, I come to the conclusion that he's insane. I don't even believe in that kind of stuff, regardless of how blasphemous that may be.

"Right, well, you know what they say," I turn my back on him, clutching the knife tightly in my grasp, lest he tries to pull it from my grip. "Finders keepers and all."

He laughs, and the sound is like a wind chime. "That's all? No groveling? You mortals sure have changed since my time on this astral plane."

I turn back to look at the grinning psycho. "You'll have to forgive me if I don't feel the need to curtsey to random weirdos in the woods. Better luck next time. The weird light was a good touch, I definitely recommend using that little trick on the next person you run into."

I turn around again, feeling slightly unnerved by the interaction. This is why you just kill people you see in the woods without giving them the chance to explain.

"Don't you want to know why you're having dreams about Thane, Alpha of Blue Moon?" He calls out with a tinge of amusement in his tone.

I turn back around and glare at him. "What the fuck did you just say to me?"

He grins. "You haven't wondered why you're having very, very sensual dreams about Cain of Blood Lake's cousin? Perhaps you're more like Lucille than I thought."

Lucille? Where had I heard that name before? I frown. "There are no dreams about Thane. Take your meds next time before you decide to harass a stranger."

The man laughs, shaking his golden head. "I know you have the dreams, Ares Alstott. I know that, because I'm the one who gave them to you."

I summon another knife with my left hand, and instantly throw it at him before he can say anything else. He doesn't flinch as the knife passes through him, as if he's made of smoke and mist. He tsks, "That's no way to talk to a god. I'll let it go, because that very violence is what makes you so perfect for the task."

I snort at the hologram. "I'm not doing any tasks for you, psycho."

He grins wickedly. "I can give you what you desire more than anything, little wolf."

I gasp in mock-excitement. "A solid gold bathtub filled with chocolate syrup? Golly, you should have started with that, Mr. Sun God!"

His golden eyes narrow. "A pup."

I freeze. "You don't know what you're talking about," I hiss. "Shut the fuck up before I skin you alive and make a leather bag from your flesh."

He laughs. "I have no flesh, young one. I'm not even here right now, not really."

I sigh, playing along. "Then where are you, Hector?"

"It's Helios," He corrects. "And I'm in the knife."

"Right," I say slowly. "And I'm in Paris, eating a croissant and looking at people in funny hats. What do they call them again? You know, the ones Girl Scouts wear?"

He sighs, rubbing his temples. "I forgot how annoying mortal Alphas can be," He mutters under his breath. "There's a lot you don't know, Ares."

"So tell me." He's obviously full of shit, but I'm mildly curious.

"I need to start from the beginning. My story begins over 400 years ago," He starts, getting a faraway look in his eye. "My name is Helios. Perhaps you've heard of Selene?"

I frown. "No."

"She's the Moon Goddess, though I suppose you mortals may not know her given name. She's my sister," He says simply. "Twin sister, to be exact."

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