Chapter 58

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Make sure to read the most recent ONYX chapter before this one or it won't make sense.

Thane's POV:

Two Years Earlier

I watch the wolf from afar, unable to believe that this is the person wreaking havoc on the rogues all over the continent.

I had sent spies in the area to scout the wolf killing all of the rogues and slay him. Only he wasn't a he at all.

It was a female. No, it was a girl. Based on her slight frame, she couldn't be any more than sixteen years of age, if that.

I use my magic to conceal me, taking me closer to the Reaper herself, who is leaning over a rogue that is pleading for his life. She doesn't say anything, which surprises me. I would have thought she would have some grand vigilante speech.

I'm a few feet away from her when she rips the heart brutally from the rogue, and carelessly tosses it over her shoulder, as if it were a used Kleenex. She is savage by all accounts, and not just for a female.

For a brief moment, I'm reminded of my cousin and his brutality. Though I had a feeling that if the two should ever cross, they would try killing each other within the minute.

I wasn't even sure if Cain would survive her.

She stares at the dead rogue, and now, I'm close enough to her to see her face. Well, the part of her face that isn't concealed by a mask, which isn't a lot. One of her eyes is a bright silver, like a coin. But the other eye is far more interesting. It's completely white and based on the scar that runs right through her eyebrow to her cheek, someone had slashed her good. Whitish-blonde hair peaks out from the cloak, and I'm momentarily stunned when I realize that under her mask, she's probably stunning.

This wasn't what I expected to Reaper to look like- not at all.

I had come here to kill the Reaper- he was getting far too close to my territory for comfort- but something about the she-wolf makes me hesitate. And I never hesitate.

I have the insane, fleeting thought that she may be my mate. But that makes no sense, because my wolf would have known if she was. But there is something about her that draws me to her like a moth to a flame. I tell myself it's because she may be the only female on the continent as merciless as I.

Her head suddenly snaps up, looking directly at me. I check my magic, and I am still concealed, but it unnerves me that she seems to sense my presence. She must be unnerved too, because after kicking the rogue's dead body once- which nearly makes me laugh aloud- she begins to walk back the way I saw her come.

I follow her, not fully sure why I haven't killed her yet. That was the whole reason I dragged my ass out of bed at the crack of dawn, because I heard she strikes before the sun is high. But there is something that holds me back.

I tell myself that when I see wherever she is hiding out, upon confirming that there is nobody else with her (and I'm not sure why the idea bothers me), I will rip her heart out myself, but not before taking off her mask.

She walks for a long while, but there is not a single ounce of fear that drips from her, even though she is walking through uncharted territory. It's almost like she is hoping she will run across someone, and I realize that she probably is.

Based on how I just saw her savagely tear out a man three times her size's heart, I suspected she had little reason to be afraid.

Her fearlessness only intrigued me further. I had never been interested in any woman outside of the bedroom, nor had I ever been so curious about any person in general.

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