Chapter 59

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Gwen eyes Katrina and I suspiciously throughout dinner. We made up some lie about how she had a vision about the rogues that planned to attack Axel, but it seemed like Gwen knew her sister well enough to know when she was lying.

If Axel and Cain could tell something was wrong between us, they didn't show it. Cain told us about his rounds, and said that he was only able to track the rogues so far before their scents disappeared. Katrina told him that if he found something that belongs to the rogues, her visions would become more accurate.

Cain seemed much more relaxed now that there was a Seer among us. Katrina had now saved his mate's and his Beta's life, and I suspected that Cain had a deep amount of respect for the strange she-wolf. And so did Axel.

"It's so cold in here," Katrina shivers, giving a pointed look at Cain, whom she did not seem to fear. "I get that you're like Mr. Fire Boy or whatever, but the rest of us non-elementals could use a freaking heater, you know."

Cain frowns at her words. Is it really that cold in here? He asks me through our mindlink.

Yes, I respond. Honestly, I had gotten used to the seemingly perpetual frigid air that is inescapable in Blood Lake. Even inside, unless you were right by a fire or covered in furs, you would always feel a slight chill.

Axel abruptly gets out of his chair, setting his fork down. "One minute," He tells her, and Katrina looks at Gwen in confusion, who just shrugs and shoves more food in her mouth.

When he returns a few moments later, he has a pile of fur in his arms. He drapes it around Katrina's shoulders.

Katrina smiles at him gratefully. "Thank you, that's very kind of you."

Gwen and Cain gawk at the sight. Why are you looking at them like that? I ask him curiously. Cain's eyes looked like they were about to pop out of his head, and it was rare to catch him off guard.

He just gifted her fur, pup, Cain states, like it's the most shocking thing in the world. That's the Blood Lake equivalent of proposing to someone or claiming them as yours.

My mouth drops too, mimicking Gwen's. He just claimed her as his mate? I ask him in disbelief.

He shakes his head slightly. Not officially, no. But if she wears that fur anywhere, wolves will know that she's been claimed by a Blood Lake male and stay away from her.

"Thanks for, you know, saving my life," Axel scratches his neck uncomfortably.

"All in a day's work," Katrina winks at him, and he blushes.

Gwen looks like she's about to have a stroke, for once, too shocked to make a jesting remark.

You're going to catch flies in your mouth, I tell her, warning her to not look so surprised.

Gwen glares at me before looking back to Katrina. "So, how much longer are you staying, baby sis?" She asks her.

Katrina responds casually, "13 days."

The amount of time I had left before the eclipse, and the amount of time I had left to kill the Moon Goddess.

"That's a rather precise estimate," Axel says suspiciously, and he looks almost disappointed by her answer.

Katrina grins at him. "It's not an estimation."

Nobody questions her, because by this point, we have all learned not to question how she knows the things she does. I wondered if she knew what the fur symbolized. Her Sight is so scattered, it's hard to pinpoint exactly what she knows or doesn't.

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