Chapter 48

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"I'd like to make a toast," Gwen proclaims loudly as she holds up her mug of hot chocolate. I'm pretty sure she spiked it. "May today mark the beginning of a new Blood Lake tradition: Snowball Fight Day."

Axel grimaces. "Snowball Fight Day? That's the best you could come up with?"

Scowling, Gwen says, "Got anything better, you ugly can of soup?"

Cassia laughs as Cain and I suppress a smile. His arm tightens around my waist, pulling me closer to him in Zach's overcrowded kitchen. Axel merely rolls his eyes, and we all lift our mugs.

"May our children and our childrens' children celebrate this day for many years to come," Gwen says, and Cain squeezes me even tighter. "And may my children one day continue my legacy and beat the crap out of Axel's children," Gwen toasts, and we all take a drink. I wince as I realize that Gwen has spiked my hot chocolate as well. Based on the look on Cassia's face, she also got a healthy dose of alcohol.

Zach hid a bottle of rum in his cabinet. What an obvious place to store it, Gwen mindlinks me and winks conspiratorially.

I chuckle slightly, and Cain asks: What's so funny, pup?

Nothing, I quickly respond, taking another sip.

Axel sniffs the air. "Why do I smell alcohol?"

Gwen is quick to retort, "Get your nose checked, dog."

Zach sighs. "Gwen, did you take the bottle of rum from my cabinet?"

Gwen scoffs. "How dare you accuse me of something so horrid? I would never go through your belongings."

Axel plucks the mug out of her hand as she protests, and takes a sip, grimacing. "It's definitely rum."

Gwen shrugs. "Okay, so maybe I did do something that horrid."

Zach rolls his eyes and mutters something about needing to buy a lock, and switches his mug with Cassia's, who frowns.

"I should get going," Axel says after downing his cup. "I have a patrol shift soon."

Gwen jumps off of the stool she was perched on. "I'll go with you. I could use a little excitement."

Axel groans. "Great."

"Be careful," Cain warns. "And don't forget we have a meeting tonight at 7."

Ah, right. The meeting between Pack Leaders regarding the Red Crescent situation, since we would be taking a trip there tomorrow.

"Can I go?" Gwen begs. "Please, Cain? C'mon, I'm the Weapons Master, I totally deserve to go."

Cain narrows his eyes. "Don't you have somewhere else to be tonight?"

Gwen's eyes widen. "Oh- right. Yeah, sorry, I just remembered. Too bad, Axe, I know you'll miss having me there," She elbows him in the ribs.

"What do you have to do tonight?" Axel asks suspiciously. "You don't have any friends besides Ares and I."

Gwen scoffs, "I have other friends!"

"Do not," Axel snorts. "C'mon, why so secretive? What are you doing?"

"She has a training session," Cain says smoothly, and for some reason, it seems like he's lying to cover for her.

Axel shrugs. "Goddess knows she needs it," He says as he and Gwen walk to the door, arguing the whole way out.

"We should get going too," Cain says, putting his mug down. We say our goodbyes to Cassia and Zach, and Zach mindlinks me to thank me for coming by.

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