Chapter Four: Pain and Suffering

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Just a reminder that I do have other stories in progress, you can check them out if you want, if not I am just asking for patience as I bounce between this story and the next.

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And if it wasn't obvious Amoretta was not asleep at all just the chunk off mind that held all her personal information had sent her into that dream world, she was still talking and walking, but she wasn't aware of anything she was doing, making her not useful for the kidnappers.

Much love,
Onceuponachris XOXOX


"I DON'T KNOW WHAT HE WANTED!" I screamed for the hundredth time, as the blade slipped across my bare torso. They had torn my shirt open from the bottom to attach the electric transmitter devises that sent waves after waves of electric shocks into my body. "When I get out of here I am going to kill you," I spat at the man in front of me.

"What did you just say?" The green eyed guy that woke me up growled. I smirked half heartedly, the smile was cut short with a jolt of pain from a bruise on the side of my face.

I watched him get physically irritated and changed the topic. "Oh, and just an FYI you are crazy and I don't have a fucking clue what that demon wanted or what he did, cause in case you didn't hear from your friend I was kinda unconscious for that bit."

That got him going, he jabbed the tip of the angel blade into my shoulder, not too deep that it hit bone, but the metal sizzled and glowed a dull white at the impact. I ground my teeth against another scream of agony, after being here for a couple of hours you kinda learn that showing what hurts gives them more leverage.

And that's when I saw it.

Behind the icy exteriority, behind the mask of indifference and anger, even past the other emotions covering up his human emotions, the ones that let him show sorrow and pain and love. What love this guy holds, not for a female lover, for his family, or close friends, different colors for different forms of love.

Dean Winchester loved his family more than he should for some one who is currently slicing and dicing a person for information that they didn't know.

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