Chapter Eight: 'Good' Morning

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A/N Hello people of Earth,

Now that I got Team Free Will connected with The Half Blood things are about to get interesting- you have no idea what I have planned. MWAHAHAHAHAHA!

As for the outfit that I had attached to the last chapter, that is going to be the outfit that she will change into in the morning of this chapter, sorry about that little mix up, it was all just a miss understanding. I was planning on having her change into that in the last chapter but I cut it off short. 


Much love,

Onceuponachris XOXOX



I woke up to the feeling of an arm wrapped tightly around my waist, somehow I ended up on Dean's bed in the middle of the night, my money is on Sam moving me when I was sleeping. Never mind about that, I have a different thing to worry about, like Dean basically spooning me in his sleep. 

Silently cursing him to Hell, I wiggled trying to loosen his clasp, but it wasn't working, his grip only seemed to get tighter as I resisted. One thing is for sure,  I am never going to speak a word of this, ever. 

Just for good measure I tried, and failed, once again to squeeze my way out of his arms.  This only succeeded in me be pressed flush up against his body, my bum against his crotch area. An alarm went off in my head telling me to get away from the situation; the alarms grew louder as I began to feel it harden.

Without another thought I spun around and slapped Dean, hard. He woke with a jolt, immediately pushing his body away from mine.

I fell off the bed in my rush to get away; even on the ground I was crawling the opposite direction. Glaring across the room at the green eyed devil, I just now noticed that he was only in his boxers. 

"What the hell do you think you are doing?" He yelled at me, holding a hand softly against his slightly pink cheek.

"Me?" I screamed in disbelief, "I wasn't the one groping you in your sleep!"

"You slapped me!" Dean growled.

"And you are still naked!" I replied, covering my eyes. Still angry, I felt around me for my bag, taking it with me to the small bathroom to change for the day. "I expext to have you fully clothed when I come out."

Once I had the bathroom door shut and locked, I dug along my bag for a new outfit. My lighter blue green mini skirt and my white short sleeve button up crop top would work out nicely. Finishing off the outfit with a white hat and white heels I walked out of the room with many music playing through my white wireless headphones.

I didn't look up at the room, instead I hopped onto the waist high dresser and stared at my reflective shine on my shoes.

"Thats what you are wearing?" Dean asked over my music; I continued to ignore him, feeling him get angrier and more irritated. Eventually he got the point and stormed out of the room.

Giggling to myself quiet I stood and danced over to my bags looking for the one that held my laptop. I froze in my spot when I saw Sam giving me a disapproving look. Turning off my music I removed the headphones.

"Was that really worth it?" Sam scolded, I batted my eyes apologetically and poked out my bottom lip.

"What's the game plan for today?" I asked flopping down on the same bed that I had woken up on.

"We wait for Cas to get here and then we discuss possible reasons for the use of you blood that Crowley might be planning." Sam answered standing up, he made his way over to what I assume was his bag of clothes. To answer my question he tore off the shirt he had on and pulled out a few new ones. "Which One should I wear?"

"You're asking me?" I said,  shocked. I figured they didn't really want me here and would be total dick bags until I was able to go my own way. I thought about it for a second, before pointing to the medium gray short sleeve in his right hand, "That one."

He held out up to double check that that was the one I was pointing at, I nodded with a big grin. Sam shrugged and slipped the fabric over his long hair. I looked around awkwardly trying to not stare at his toned stomach.

Dean came charging in holding two bags that looked extremely heavy, just when a rather brooding Castiel showed up out of nowhere.  His wings looked almost transparent but still more powerful than any human our earthly thing,  let it be living or machine.

When Dean pushed Sam out of the way and dropped the bags on the bed, I stood up, curious on what we were doing.

The bags held guns, salt, iron, and one angel blade, Dean and Sam both grabbed a gun and an iron knife. I physically flinched away from the weapons, I had never used any weapon other than my bow and arrow, an even that I had never used it for anything other than for its true purpose, to make two people fall in love. 

Dean lifted a gun towards me, handing it over for me to use, and I just shook my head no at him. He held it out further, silently insisting that I take the gun. Once again I shook my head and refused to take the cool metal object, he rolled his eyes and tucked the thing into the back of his pants. 

"I don't hold any other weapon than my bow." I told them, lifting the white and black bow onto my shoulders along with the sling full of wooden arrows. They looked at me as if I was crazy, which to them I must have seemed it at the time, my bow is only visible to those that I allow to and other angels. To them I was just randomly moving my arms. Cas looked confused, but for a total different reason. 

"That is a Cupid's bow," Cas said out loud. "You cannot kill something with a cupid bow, it is impossible."

"I have been alive for nearly nine hundred years, do you not think I would have found some way to defend myself from the wonders of the world." I reply, realization dawned on the warrior angel's face. "Yes, I found a way for my arrows to kill humans, angels, and demons alike."

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