Chapter Thirteen: Crowley

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Heartfelt moment aside, the entire situation terrified me to the point that heart was trying to burst through my chest. This was a ridiculous idea, it was most likely going to end horribly for all involved.

Dean slung his arm around my shoulders naturally, pulling my body next to his. It took everything in me not to collapse into his arms. Now was not the time to show weakness.

The two Winchesters were acting like nothing was the problem, like we weren't walking straight into Hell on Earth. Crowley, the King of Hell, was somewhere behind this door that every footstep brought me closer to. My mouth went dry as we began up the short flight of stairs, my feet felt like lead and my body stiff as wood.

I suddenly regret not have bringing along my bow, but Sam and Dean had both insisted that it would look better if I was unarmed. If I got out of this I am totally changing the enchantments on my bow so that only I can see it, I made a mental note of possible Spellcasters that could help with my situation.

Before we even could knock on the door it swung open, no one on the other side to greet us. Dean and Sam shared a look before pulling out their guns and hesitantly stepping in the large doorway. I was right behind them but I didn't pull out my weapon just yet. Their backs showed the tension that I couldn't see on their faces.

The floor boards creaked and squealed with every step, other noises were whispering past us without a clue as to what was causing them.

A warm hand wrapped around my fingers, squeezing a reassuring feeling through my arm. I returned the gesture, not releasing my hold on him until another door swung open to our left.

"Hello, Darlings." Purred a stout older man, the same man who had nearly killed me. Instinctively I latched onto Deans arm.

I could sense more than see Dean and Sam reach for their weapons. My other hand wrapped firmly around the long slender wood of my bow.

"Now, now, now," Crowley cooed, "that is no way to treat your host."

With a swish of his finger the brothers were dragged away from me to be be pinned by a invisible hand to the wall. I couldn't find it in me to move to help.

"What do you want?" Dean barked, voice thick with pain. I strained to turn my head to see him but it was impossible Crowley has a strangle hold on my head.

My heart ached for him.

In a puff of black smoke five more demons appeared around me.

"I had thought only your blood would suffice but sadly it was not nearly powerful enough for my spell to work," he purred, "so now I need your essence and the only way to get that is through the only thing a cupid holds dear, your heart."

"NO!" Dean roared, Crowley barely even moved his hand and Dean started yelling in pain. "Amoretta, please just get out."

I couldn't, I had nothing else I could do to save Dean. "I'll give it up willingly if you give me the chance to talk to Dean for a minute," my voice rang clear if my terror "then you must set him free."

"No." Crowley scoffed, looking at me like I was crazy. In one swift motion I pulled out one arrow and pointed it at my own chest. Directly over my own heart.

"I could ruin it so you never get your ingredient." I threatened, not moving but on my own accord this time, something in the thought of losing Sam and Dean had broke me of Crowley's hold.

He sat in silence, Dean was yelling at me but I tuned him out. After several minutes thinking it over, he let out a disgruntled agreement.

I half ran over to the brothers crumpled up on the floor.

"Dean, I'm sorry," I cried, holding his hand to my cheek. Tears rolled down his face too. "Get to the door, call Cas, then get the Hell out of here. I love you so much, let me do this for you both."

"Amy, I-"

"Don't, I can't hear that right now," I sobbed pulling him to his feet, Sam used the wall to stand too. "But dont let me ruin your idea of love, you were never ment for me to have. You were ment for bigger things."

"I don't want bigger things, I want you." He pleaded. "I need you."

"You need to live, and to remember me," I told him.

"Times up." Crowley announced, a deamon popped up between the boys tok there arms then the three of them disappeared. I broke down in tears, falling to my knees.

"One more thing Crowley," I said, not looking at him. "Being an abomination means that I can never be brought back, even by God himself; it also means promises have no power over me."

I heard Cas' wings appear then leave seconds later with dean yelling something probably for me. I knew then that he was gone and safe for now.

Crowley understood what I ment just as I stabbed my arrow through my chest. Burning pain flared from my wound. And in a second, it was gone. I had struck my heart.

Goodbye, Dean.

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