Chappie Ten: Lost in the Dark

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I don't know where I am.

It was as plain as that, I don't know where I am.

I knew my body was at the foot of mine and Deans shared hotel bed, I knew that I was curled into a ball like a small child. But I don't know where I am, in my head. Something had snapped, I lost it, I fell apart and was sucked into a dream space.

This has never happened before, not without me being physically injured and needed a safe place to sit while my body healed itself in a safe spot. This wasn't physicality, I remember being sad, unbearably sad, and trying to not cry to not fall apart, but I couldn't do it. The feelings were inescapable.

How long would I be here? How long until they noticed I wasn't waking up? Would they even care? Would they even notice?

This was insanity, I was sitting in a pitch black space, no floor, not sky, no walls, no nothing, just plain black everywhere. If I looked down I couldn't even see me, because I wasn't me in a physical sense, I had no physical body here, in my head I was just an idea, thinking about it too hard would drive anyone insane. But ending up here I guess I already was.

I guess I wouldn't have to worry about Dean now, it's not like I have the ability to crawl out of this hell hole, so there was no reason for me to sweat about my feelings for a guy that I will never talk to again.

Hours could have passed, days, months, I had no way to tell, but some time later something changed, not in my head, out of it, something, someone was talking to my body like I could hear them. It was weird to hear it but have no way to reply or even let them know I heard them.

"Amoretta, what are you doing at the end of the bed?" Dean asked, his voice echoing in the infinite area of my mind.  He must have shakes me because everything moved but didn't move, like I could feel it but not feel it at the same exact time. "Amoretta?"

More 'not' moving, I was screaming begging him to hear me to let him know I hear him. I couldn't find my voice.

"Sammy," Dean called, voice raising slightly louder in a panicked manor, even half mad my heart still warmed at the thought that dean was worried about me. "Sam, she's not waking up."

I could hear Sam moving around then what I supposed was the bathroom door opening followed by the bath water running. Anger coursed through me, I wasn't waking up and Sam takes a fucking bath. The door shuts and I felt something cold splash over my face, I felt embarrassed, of course he would try to throw ice water to wake me up, I hadn't thought of that.

"Now she is going to freeze, and she still isn't waking up." Dean growled, than moved me over, probably out of the pool of water and I think covered me up with a blanket. But with the whole trapped in my mind with limited access your the feelings of my body, it made it kinda hard to tell exactly what they are doing.

"Hey, I am trying to help." Sam defended himself. I wish I could smack Dean right now for being rude, he was only trying to help, he shouldn't be getting mad about that. "Maybe she is just a heavy sleeper."

"Yeah that's all, she has to wake up sometime." Dean agreed sounding unhappy with the entire situation. Then it was silence.

Silence that lasted hours, it was deafening.  After the first couple minutes I was starting to go insane, there was a constant ringing that wouldn't go away. I didn't handle waitin I very well.

An alarmingly long amout of time later something changed, it was still dark and I couldnt see anything other than black, but I could hear something now.

The bed was creaking and I felt something heavy wrap firmly around my waist, someone was laying down beside me. They were breathing heavily on my neck and ear, not to lie it felt nice.

"Amy," Dean whispered, voice thick with emotion. "Amoretta, I don't know what is going on with you, but I need you to hear me and wake up. We need you to- I need you to wake up."

I wanted to I wanted to so badly, but the harder I worked to wake up the further and further I seemed to drift from awareness.

"I lo-" He began to say but I was too far gone to hear the rest of the sentence.  My screams were swallowed up by the blackness sucked dry of any noise before they even left my mouth.

I couldn't feel anything, I couldn't hear anything. This time I was truely lost in my own mind, with no chance of finding my own way out.

"Dean? Sam? Cas?" I called/thought out, feeling suddenly small in my own head, it never occured to me that I have so much space in my mind.

And I never knew it was so dark.


Sorry that this was so short but I just wanted to give you guy's something to make up for not posting in a while.

Much love,

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