Chapter 6-These Guys Are Idiots

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The good looking man, myself and Elena are all in a car to the Salvatore boarding house which I really hope my brothers don't out me because apparently I was not mentioned at all to their little group so one can hope that I wasn't mentioned at all. We walk into house to see both of them at each other's throats. I shake my head and go to get a drink and sit on the couch.

"Stop!" Elena yells at them. They break apart which surprises me she has power to make them stop. If she can make them stop fighting just by speaking then she has enough power over them to break them. Why must doppelgänger be so difficult.

"Now you've invited him in" Damon says kind mad. It will only get worst from here.

"Elijah and I have renewed the terms of our deal" Elena says in a husky voice. This girl needs some water.

"Really" Damon says in a semi sarcastic way.

"The two of you will come to no harm at my hands" Elijah says as he walks closer to my brothers this is when I stand up and start getting closer to the two of them.

"I only ask for one thing in return" Elijah says

"What" Damon says annoyed I flick him in the arm for being rude which gives me a glare okay whatever I'm just trying to stop you from ripping the mans head off.

"An apology" Elijah says looking between the two. Stefan tilts his head as in this guy wants an apology really.

"A What" Damon says exaggerating his face. I then hit him upside the head for being rude stefan just looks at me shacking his head and grabbing my arm to move me the his side. I see the two looking at each other in silence good why are they so quiet. I nudge Stefan to say something. He starts walking closer to Elijah.

"I'm sorry for the part in played in your death, I was protecting Elena I will always protect Elena" stefan says I look to Damon to see a sour face. Dear lord save me from hitting both of them in the head with a tree branch.

"I understand"Elijah says. Elena smiles at stefan awe that cute but still she is stringing along my other brother. I should try to set him up with someone. Everyone looks to Damon I roll my eyes what do they expect he is as stubborn as me so I don't expect him to say anything they want to hear.

"Sacrifice is going to happen Damon, Bonnie will be able to kill Klaus without hurting herself and Elijah knows how to save my life I told you I'd find another way and I did" Elena say. K grab a bottle cause knowing my brother he will walk out of this house.

"Is this true" Damon says glaring at Elijah. Why must the enemies of my brothers be good looking.

"It is" Elijah say this man has not moved once he is acting like those machine that you put a coin in and they talk.

"And your trusting him you can all go to hell" Damon says. I look to see stefan making a stupid face I roll my eyes to Damon starting walk out the room.

"I was fun meeting you mr.original but is now time to leave bye, Stef we're taking later with out her" I say leaving with the bottle of bourbon to follow Damon.

"He's angry with me right now but he'll come around" I can hear Stefan say to them. This house has vampire I can still hear everything at least wait for us to leave before you try make us make a deal.

"Stefan shut it let him make his own decision" I say in the other room about to leave the house. I look around the room before speeding out of the house following my brother. These guys are idiots.

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