Chapter Six - Household Bonding

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   Since there was a trial already, there were to be no murders tonight. It was time to be ourselves, instead of being paranoid and alert all the time. I'm sure there are things we all have wanted to do ever since we got here, so now was the time to do them, because this might be the only time we can.

   We all went over to watch what's on the television so far, while Alicia, Vinny, and Liza cooked dinner. We were all laughing, sharing stories, and even becoming closer as friends.

   Jo and Thomas baked muffins earlier, but since one burnt, Jo started to fight with Thomas over the last muffin, or at least, the only successful muffin. I wouldn't be mad about this though, the muffin did seem pretty good.

   "Can I PLEASE have a bite, Thomas?" Jo cried.

   "But you can make your own," Thomas replied. 
   "That muffin you are holding right there," Jo angrily said, "is the one I baked! Yours was the burnt one!"

   "AAAH!!! But if MINE was so BAD, and YOURS was the BETTER one, YOU can make ANOTHER one for YOURSELF!" Thomas screamed.

    "But it's my muffin."

   "But it's a good muffin, and I want it."

    "Can't you guys just split it in half?" Kai asked.

    "No way," Thomas said, "if she even gets ONE more crumb than ME, I am going to scream!"

    "You're overreacting, man," Jackson exclaimed, "you should calm down and-"

    "AHAHAHA, NO NO NO," Thomas said, glaring, "YOU are the one that is OVERREACTING."

   This continued for.. Well, I don't know how long. However, in the end, instead of the muffin being shared, Thomas, for some reason, threw the poor muffin away. I don't understand why he would do that instead of sharing with Jo. She was crying, and Thomas was too. I guess that muffin was an important one.

   Anyway, we then had dinner. We all kept a good eye on the food, even though Kees and I already made sure that there was no poison in the house.

   "Alright, are you ready to eat an amazing dinner?" Liza exclaimed.

   "Yeah!" Everyone in the house said.

   "Okay! Feast your eyes on a variety of food, like turkey and porkchop, but if you are vegetarian, there is salad on the other platter!" Alicia shouted.

   Everyone looked at the food in awe. It looked delicious! There is no way that someone could resist the food that was displayed in front of us.

   We all got plates and chose what we wanted from the food on the table. I chose salad, but I also got a bit of turkey. When I tasted the food, it was so exquisite!

   I'm sure Kees was also enjoying the food, he even smiled for the second time we were here. He never really smiles often, but his smile can light up your face, too, somehow. His smile is contagious, you can say.

   We all ate, talked, and had fun. It was amazing. I don't understand why the mastermind wanted 3 murderers though among us. We would all be so happy together if there were no murderers at all. We would be like those average teenage friend groups.

   Soon enough, though, the day came to an end. It was all really fun to hang out with everyone like that. It now feels like we have known each other for years, almost. It's a strange feeling to me.

   That night, though, when it was time to go to bed, I spent my time discussing things with Kees on the kitchen table. I wanted to become closer friends with him than anyone else. He makes my world go lighter when I'm with him, even in the darker times. I don't want to become anything more than friends with him, because I don't want to lose a friend like him.

   Suddenly, a question popped into my head in the middle of a conversation, though.

   "If we get out of here together, what will we do?" I asked.

   Kees looked at me. He thought about it for a while, then answered, "I think we should finish up school, work together in finding out crime scenes, and maybe be together after this. I don't know. Only time can tell."

    "Be together." I didn't know which way that meant. As friends, or more? Oh well, it doesn't matter. It's a thought, and he said himself it's not for sure, so I let it go.

   "It's getting late," I said, "I'll go head to bed now. Good night, Kees!"

   "Good night, Colleen." Kees replied.

   I headed towards where the girls slept, while Kees went to the boys. The girls slept in the bedroom, while the boys slept in the living room. We fixed up the bedroom and got rid of the terrible stench in there before we all slept.

   "So, what did you do with Kees out there, huh?" Jo wondered.

   "We just talked about things, that's it," I replied.

   "Oh, really?" Jo said, "Alright then! If there's tea though. Let. Me. Know."

   I just nodded my head and went to sleep. Jo is a really kind and funny person. All the girls in the house aren't as close to me as Jo is. She is just someone you can just talk to and relate to.
   That night, I had a dream. It was where everyone, even Ally, Sabrina, and Jordan, were all just playing games in this house while some people were watching the television. Jo and I were making muffins together with Thomas and Kees while they sucked so bad at it. Everyone was having a great time in my dream until someone started to bang on the door.

   A pink haired girl, that I don't know or remember at all, opened it. Then, she was arrested for some reason by a cop at the door.  My dream just turned blurry and blank that moment. I was confused. I felt sad, even though I didn't know who this girl was.

   I woke up after this, and it was already morning. All the girls were already up, so I was the last one. Who was that girl in my dream? Why is she stuck in my head, now? I don't know her, so why?

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